This is the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai, the self-described "world's most luxurious hotel." If your helipad converts into a frickin' tennis court, you may be entitled to call yourself that. It looks like the Luthor Luxury Suites or an Alliance Core Planet or something that The Midnighter would ram a spaceship into.

"...something that The Midnighter would ram a spaceship into."
I looked at the building picture for a few seconds and it looked weird/familiarish. You totally cleared that up for me.
That thing on top of the hotel? Death Ray. I'd lay money on it.
Are those pictures legit? Cause that looks like a pretty dangerous tennis court. One good diving backhand and down you go! At the very least, you'll have to bring a ton of extra tennis balls with you when you play...
I've also seen pictures of Tiger Woods driving golf balls into the ocean from up there.
If I remember the story correctly, the hotel actually paid Tiger lots of money for the sole purpose of flying out thousands of miles to the hotel and hitting golf balls into the ocean from that platform.
The tennis pictures are definitely legit. Agassi and Federer were paid as a stunt to play up there.
I'm amazed, but I'm afraid of heights, too.
Two links to pictures of Tiger on the same helipad...
small pics from BBC and larger but fewer pics
My favorite thing about Dubai is that somebody there is spending $3 billion on "the construction of 300 man-made islands laid out in the shape of a world map complete with continents, countries and, something God unaccountably failed to include in the original design, a clutch of celebrity islands."
It's straight out of 7 Soldiers: The Guardian. It's also proof that they have way too much money in Dubai.
I'll bet that the Midnighter would ram a spaceship into Apollo's arse if he had enough lube.
What I don't get is what happens when a stray tennis ball goes AWOL. Wouldn't a tennis ball falling from that height be, um, dangerous?
Hi guys I'm the newest Tranformer.
I am Tenisbuild
I'm a building that turns into a tennis court!
But that is bad-ass
It should have the Transformer sound-effect when it opens
that same sound effect
Knocks one too far off the field and towards the distant ground.
Ahh man! My last ball!
Jumps off the mesh and dives after ball. Then opens parachute with a big-ass Airwolf logo on it.
Then he runs up the building and gives the other guy the ball back.
He knocks it off again and is punched into oblivion.
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This is the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai, the self-described "world's most luxurious hotel." If your helipad converts into a frickin' tennis court, cialis
you may be entitled to call yourself that. It looks like the Luthor Luxury Suites or an Alliance Core Planet or something that The Midnighter would ram a spaceship into.
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