2005 has been a great year for us here at Dave's Long Box, and rest assured we are going to blow up like Krakatoa/TNT/an atom bomb in 2006 - choose your own explosive simile. I want to thank everybody for visiting in the '05, and a particular thanks to those who grace my humble blog with your comments. I love reading them; they provide me with endless amusement. The comments have been hilarious, informative, and refreshingly free of trollish behavior. It's the best part of the whole blog thing for me, and I really appreciate everybody stopping by and chatting.
Thanks everyone! May your nights be free of rampaging mandrills and your days be merry and bright.

A very Kirbyesque Christmas to you sir!
The only way Marvel Two-in-One #8 could've been better if it was the Thing, Ghost Rider, and Dave Campbell. Merry Christmas!
you have a staff?
Merry Christmas, Dave. Good luck with the kid farming.
Have a very airwolf Christmas!
Happy Life Day!
Of course he has a staff!
Where do you think Kid #2 came from?
Have a great Christmas. Congratulations on the impending arrival. You think it's only going to be twice as hard (that makes sense) but the desire for Scotch (and you better drink it neat, or you're dead to me) actually increases exponentially which each child. Have fun!
And then ice weasels come... to celebrate a Comic Book Christmas at Dave's house!
Merry Boozemas! I read your blog closer than the Torah (i.e. everyday and religiously). I've never posted a comment but I frequently drive my wife crazy by trying to explain the humor in your posts ("Boob War" and the Thor issue were the best...).
Thanks for the laffs...
To all the seemingly normal men in their twenties and thirties who gather here to discuss primo avengers line-ups, women's comic fashion, and the absurities of comic book reality (could iron man kill all the x-men from space? could superman conceive with a non-super powered woman? Is captain american the only one not leaving here under his own power?), I wish you all a very merry xmas and a happy new year. Continue the great work dave (and keep making a great blog too!)
Season Greetings,
Congrats on propagating the species! Myself, I'm a father of four (ages 17 to 3). My personal philosophy is that if you can't beat your enemies, outpopulate them!
A merry yule to the group! Be well, and call if you need bail money!
qlily - that funny feeling I get when I've had too much eggnog and whiskey.
Verily, this blogeth hath been one of the highlights of my year. I raiseth a glass in your honor, Son of Odin!
Congrats on Child #2, and to more action packed blogging.
And who knows, if you all are good, I might just bite the bullet and start my own blog...
Did somebody say "Scotch?" Mmm, malt beverages.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and an Airwolf New Year to everybody! Dave, your blog is the little dorky sun that our little dorky planets orbit around. thanks.
Merr Christmas from Poland Dave :D
Altough it's been said, many times, many ways.... Have a Christmas as cool as Daredevil 181 was before you knew Electra would come back!
Happy Holidays, and stop ogling my wife.
Nah Just kidding. Dont smite me! Merry Christmas!
May your holidays also be free of rampaging Mandrels, good sir!
Great blog site, first time posting - enjoy reading your reviews of the "trainwrecks" that were disquised as comic books. Funny shit. Hope to read many more in the future.
You've made comics a little more fun for all of us and I appreciate that. Have a blessed, The Pain-free Christmas and a totally Airwolf new year. But bring back the Velvet Marauder sometime, bitch!
Very christmasy verification word--"gghahhkh," what you would say after eating a fruitcake.
hi, i never leave comments but i love reading your blog so much i felt i should wish you a merry xmas and all the best in the new year. thanks for all the amusement and hope the new kid is as great as the first - scottish bloke
I wish the above scottish bloke was Frank Quitely and after reading the Velvet Marauder archives, he decided to collaborate with Dave on VM comics.
Who cares about Robbie Williams?
Campbell is the new black.
Happy boxing-day to you all.
I'm watching cricket and Narnia.
Enjoy yesterday.
Happy holidays, Dave! And good luck with your new children!
I have to say your blog is the only one I visit daily.
I also have to say I hope that when you say staff, you don't mean the voices in your head. :)
Guys, prepare for a very funny joke...
This post has been removed by the author.
LOL, blog humour! ROFL! What a prank!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all something something...
Have an airwolf Kirby, I mean Christmas, Dave!
what a retarded Punisher needs for his guns
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