Okay, I'm off to California to mingle with my fellow geeks and pitch some projects to some hapless editors, the poor bastards. I'll be incommunicado for the rest of the week, so I leave you with an image ripped telepathically from Ted Nugent's brain - a picture of Daisy Duke shooting a bow. Never a bad thing.
And to all you San Diego folks, say hi if you see me - I'll be wearing my cheap-ass Dave's Long Box T-shirt. Don't be shy; channel your inner Daisy Duke and hit me with your arrow of love.
Or not... That actually sounds kind of creepy.
Have a safe journey and I wish you success in your endeavor. Wear that shirt with pride.
I'm sure the Long Box Posse (we need a name) would love to hear about your project at some point, or at least what it was like pitching it.
Have a good trip. And by the way, if you haven't picked a catch phrase for the Velvet Marauder yet, you could always just appropriate the ever-popular "Spoon!"
Holy Moses :) Moses!!!!
Umm.. after the above post...
We like comics?!?
I need someone to hold me.
Wow... THE Moses? Kick ass!
I was gonna write some snide smart-ass remark there, but I think Dave needs all the help in San Diego he can get. Go with God, Dave ;)
Since things are going to be slow here for a few days, might I recommend trying my "Brackets of Doom" blog? It is, by no means, a replacement for Dave but I hope people can have fun with it. I'm setting up an NCAA style tournament to pick the best villain in DC comics. CLick my name and scroll to the bottom of my profile to the Brackets of Doom link. I would love to hear the opinions of this first class collection of smart asses. Enjoy your weekend, one and all.
Your writing is excellent and very entertaining.
I would be looking forward to a monthly Velvet Marauder. Drawn by Frank Quitely - if possible.
"I would be looking forward to a monthly Velvet Marauder. Drawn by Frank Quitely - if possible. "
I'd buy that for a dollar!
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