One thing for sure - it's gonna be a fight!!!
The two opponents size each other up. The deer daintily approaches, silent and lightfooted, while Doomsday bulldozers through the forest, knocking over trees. The deer approaches, sniffs Doomsday...

Oh no! Doomsday strikes first with a deadly larynx crushing kung fu grip! What will the deer counter with? Nothing! The deer is out of tricks - and out of time!

Head on over to Bahlactus's joint to see the other Friday Night Fight entries! (I know I'm late, but it's not even 9 PM on the Left Coast.)
Doomsday is mean
Oh no! Doomsday strikes first with a deadly larynx crushing kung fu grip!
You know, the first time I read that, I saw lung fu instead of kung fu, and I thought it was mildly clever.
Now it just reminds me that I need to see an optometrist.
Oh god... don't let Bully see this...
Man, you're updating like a mawfucker these days.
Who will Bambi face in the Loser's Bracket?
On the way to Superman, he stepped on three squirrels and punched a bear...AND took his picinic basket.
This fight was clearly fixed. I had the deer at 4-1.
Didn't the Hulk take on a deer at some point during Byrne's run? As I recall, it faired about as well as this one.
Make that "fared."
That's sadistic.
That's fantastic. If there's one thing I can never get enough of, it's hopelessly one-sided fights in comics.
Next: Doomsday battles an old lady and her oxygen tank. The fight goes poorly for the tank and the woman it's attached to.
I'm going to guess that the name of that issue was "Dan Jurgens Rips Off Bambi Meets Godzilla".
heimdall said...
Didn't the Hulk take on a deer at some point during Byrne's run? As I recall, it fared about as well as this one.
I think I remember that too. But then again, it's not like there aren't any other parallels between a dumb, inarticulate, angry, unstoppable, gray (originally and occasionally still), rampaging monster with unholy strength and Doomsday. I always wondered if DC somehow thought we wouldn't notice that Doomsday was nothing but a cheap ripoff of the rampaging Hulk, or what? Oh, he's got bony spines? Oh, well, he's a completely different character then.
Actually, the deer's doing that martain trick with the mind whammy.
That way doomsday can't kill more deer, thinking he's killing them RIGHT NOW.
The deer won.
I lost a lot of money on this comic back in yonder days.
Bet a lot of money on that damn deer.
What? I thought the deer wanted it more.
That deer was cloned. It will return and stab Doomsday with its antlers. Then it will join the Outsiders.
That was good but...
I remember the part (don't remember what issue) where Doomsday is standing somewhere (maybe right after he dug himself out of the ground) and a bird lands on his hand. Then he crushes it and laughs. It is just as good as the deer smackdown.
"One sided fistfights caught on film!"
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