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can only type
in short gasps
Pictures 4U!
Pictures 4U!
A tornado intercept vehicle

The Samurai Sportsman applies the principles of bushido to fly fishing.

Phil Spector will swallow your soul!
Lord of the Dance Michael Flatley busts a move and shows us some of that Celtic Tiger kung fu.
Finally, we have golfers running from a bear. Not sure why that's funny to me, but it is.
So who would win in a three-way cage match: Bushido Fisherman, Phil Spector, or the bear?
My money's on Phil.
Nature fucking with golfers is always fantastic. It's right up there with the footage of the deer attack the hunter.
You know what I hope? That those golfer were really drunk by the time the bear showed up. I bet that made it a lot more interesting.
In case people had suspicions that the pic is Photoshopped (I know I always have some doubts in today's day and age) here is confirmation that those are real golfers running from a real bear:
Clearly, that makes things more awesome.
What i like is the thought that someone is standing there thinking, "This will be a great shot...."
Where, in the name of all that is Antonio, did you get that picture with Phil Spector? Is the woman having her soul drained at that moment? yikes
"Where, in the name of all that is Antonio, did you get that picture with Phil Spector? Is the woman having her soul drained at that moment? yikes"
That's no woman, that IS Phil Spector.
"Exit, pursued by a bear."
That would be kind of awesome. Their TV show name - "Mr. Bushido and the 800 Lb. Nature Avenger"
By the way, I am MRS. Phil Spector and I resent that remark. My hubby is a a very manly man who bears almost no resemblance to a Succubus. He's just not a morning person.
If you're married to him, why hasn't he shot you in the face yet?
there's a simple answer for that, Mike and Dan Coyle: Because I have stored a part of his soul in a Horcrux and he can't shoot me until he's found it. At least he doesn't have buggy serial-killer eyes, like your mother, pictured above.
Verity Kindle said...
That would be kind of awesome. Their TV show name - "Mr. Bushido and the 800 Lb. Nature Avenger"
Or they could just do it as a remake of BJ (Bushido Joe) and the Bear.
And for the record, that tornado intercept vehicle would look even cooler if it had a COBRA symbol on it. Why would COBRA want to intercept tornadoes? I have no idea, but it can't be good.
I absolutely match with everything you've presented us.
steel building
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