I'll make this quick, and then we can return to "the funny."
The current issue of Green Arrow, #53, is written by one of my favorite comic book writers ever, Bill Messner-Loebs, who has not been getting regular gigs in comics and could use some fan support.
As you can see from the cover, Green Arrow #53 has Solomon Grundy, which is never bad. This is just a fill-in issue, but I think it would be swell if a lot of people picked it up and demonstrated their appreciation for Bill Loebs, who should be working full time writing comic books that make Dave happy.
I'm buying two.
This is pretty much the only issue of the current run of Green Arrow I've ever even remotely wanted to buy.
Argh! Wish I'd known that when I went to a comic store yesterday. I've loved Bill's stuff since Journey and anything that helps him out at this point is a very good thing.
I was fond of Journey myself, and the MacAllistaire crossover was the only worthwhile thing about Normalman (although the Cerebus parody was almost worthwhile).
The art in that panel is uncommonly well done, too.
I'm-a buy it! Thanks Dave!
I also wish I'd know about this when I went to the store yesterday. I'll have to pick this up.
I pre-ordered the benefit book for him, but it hasn't shown up yet (at least not at my store). I'm sure, though, that a regular writing gig would benefit him more. Or art, but his style isn't something that would be generally popular; it's too quirky & Eisnerian.
I do hope he's getting royalties from the new edition of Epicurus the Sage.
I'd also recommend Wonder Woman: The Challenge of Artemis and The Maxx Vol. 1-4 for more Loebs goodness.
This issue has the best Green Arrow line ever: "There it is."
If the character of Green Arrow were consistently written the way M-L writes him, I would actually LIKE Green Arrow...@!
I have never quite understood how he "fell" out of comics. And his is a sad story about how even a popular creator at at boom time never makes much money out of our expenditure.
I say this is an excellent issue of Green Arrow. I loved the start of this run, but I didn't think much of Wininck's work on the character. The Archer's Quest, Sounds of Violence and Quiver were all great though (although I wish he'd gone straight back to Social 70s Green Arrow - he'd be a better, more abrasive fit in the modern DCU).
Good stuff! I hope we can see a lot more of Messner-Loebs' work on Green Arrow in future.
I think, but am not sure, that B M-L is not getting any new royalties from the new Epicurus the Sage TPB or any of the other new reprints, except perhaps that the people who write the checks will see that the TPBs are selling well and start giving him more stuff to do.
Alternately, perhaps he could team up with the Action Philosophers people, since the two works are sort of in the same vein.
We really liked this issue a lot, and hope to see more of Messner-Loebs in the future (but hopefully less of the word "boink").
We also want to mention how great Cliff Chiang is; in addition to providing a great cover to this issue, he created a beautiful picture of Green Arrow proposing to Black Canary when I proposed to Lexi. A great guy.
But, seriously, the issue's very good.
This issue was actually better than anything the GA title has given fans for the last three years.
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