Because Dave's Long Box reader Konstantinos Stamoulis demanded it!
Here's the Frank Quitely cover for Avengers Forever #4, featuring an alternate-universe team of Avengers in the 1950's consisting of 3-D Man, Gorilla Man, Human Robot, Marvel Boy, and Venus. I have nothing funny to say about this cover; I just thought I'd post it to illustrate the one point in 3-D Man's career where he flirted with coolness.
Wow, the 50's Marvel Boy's costume is even more fashion- and heterosexuality-challenged than 3D-Man's. I like how they're eying each other uneasily, as if in the throes of an inexplicable, passionate hate that secretly stems from repressed, raging homosexual desire. I say they should get involved. People with costumes that horribly ugly should never produce children.
Another problem with this team is that one of its members is a robot called, if I remember correctly, the Human Robot. Um, either you're human or you're a robot, it's kind of hard to be both. Maybe he should have a size-changing Atlantean sidekick called Jumbo Shrimp or something.
Still, you can't go wrong with a superhero team that has a gorilla on it. I think Gorilla-Man is long overdue for a revival.
Wait just a damn minute. Were there alternate covers to this series? Because that's not the Avenger Forever #4 that I have.
Thanks, man. I did find the answer without your aid, though. Kudos to me!
Frank Quitely can sure draw. Check out his cover to All-Star Superman here: http://tinyurl.com/7d3bg
Jesus Marimba!
The link to a larger view of A4ever # 4 doesn't seem to work.
PS Frank Quitely's real name is Vince Deighan
PPS Mark, the Avengers Forever #4 I found (by illegal in most NATO countries means) has a cover by Frank Quitely. Therefore, your vows are empty and these Marvel Two-in-ones you mentioned are worth less than spit.
Oooh, two points for Mark! I have never seen that cover before.
I'm with Adrian, as well. Can't go wrong with Gorilla-Man.
3D Man flirted with coolness, but he was shot down in flames, like Snoopy's Sopwith Camel.
What about this one, Dave?
And I guess while it's on eBay, there's this one (upper right, along with the above-linked cover and two other issues) featuring Kid Colt and the Rawhide Kid shooting dinosaurs.
So, 4 covers 4 issue 4 of Avengers 4ever. Get it?
There were four covers to Avengers Forever #4 because of the different time streams the Avengers found themselves in. Each cover represented a different alternative universe they encountered. I have the Quitely cover, because it was the neatest one.
A little known fact is that the other 3 are forgeries and therefore I did not err.
And *cough* review Batman: Scottish Connection *cough*
I will drink the MacAllen's 10-year oak batch while Campbell composes his review of Batman: The Scottish Connection.
Frank Quietly....
Who loves to draw potato head people. You can get used to it.
But they're still potato head people.
It's no coincidence that "anonymous" rhymes with "communist!" I am outraged! No - shocked and outraged!
Or something. I love Quitely, but I see your point. They look like shrunken apple head people to me, actually.
Mark, you fool! You are now marked for death. My assassins will be creeping through your chamberss when you least expect them. Perhaps when you are posting another one of those oh!-so-clever URL links of yours. Ha ha!
Anonymouss, you will be punisshed for your ins-solence.
As for you Dave, sstop hos-sting the commentss of these halfwits, or ssssuffer the conz-sequencess. And a review of 'Batman: Scottish connection' is now under way. Undersstood?
Ssstop pesstering my acolytess. Konsstantinoss Ssstamouliss wass correct. The 3 fake coverss to Avengerss 4ever #4 was an ancillary plan of Cobural Pharmaceutics (peasants, I advise you against trying to understand the complex corporate mechanisms) to help finance the destabilization of the arrogant western civilization and bring about the Kali-Yuga, as well as a fitting hommage to the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse (only one of them is the real McCoy). The Marvel corporation was but a pawn for me to manipulate and voila the 3 fake coverss. Mind you, on the release date of that particular issue, 4 of the memberss of my Inner Sanctum and echelonss of human science, art, religion and commerce ended their lives whilst causing the deaths of 512 innocents (foolisssh, more like) and a great deal of suffering.
PS Dear Kevin, your allegiance is to my liking
Damn, I just can't win with Kobra.
I'm really hammered over here, Campbell. Where's that fucking review?
Imagine if some "bright" spark at Marvel had decided to carry the "four covers for issue four" gimmick all the way to issue twelve!
If they were doing AF today, they'd do it, the sluts.
Any gorilla character is cool and I like Frank's art, but this particular Gorilla Man doesn't really look like a gorilla. He looks more like some sort of evil Sasquatch Man or something.
This is how to draw a gorilla.
Hi, I like your blog about Gorillas and men of three dimensions. I have my own blog about three dimensional men who make love to animals! What a small world! Please to be clicking on my site right now!
But on the serious side, I'm glad the era of multiple covers and crossover events are a thing of the past. The industry is finally learning some self respe...wait, what? Yes, I have been in a cave for the past 6 months, why?...DC is doing what?!?
Wow, 3-D man is really well hung.
3-D Man doesn't suck.
He's just not that good.
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