Plus, I got an email from a sick boy in a hospital - a kid by the name of Kevin Church who says he's Gambit's #1 Fan and would love to see me do a post about the ragin' Cajun. I can't let that brave little man down, so X-Men Week must continue! This is for you, Lil' Kevin!

I knew there was something untrustworthy about Kevin. What kind of evil horrible person must you be to be Gambit's #1 fan? he probably reads Mackie's Gambit series while sodomizing martens and driving around in a gas-guzzling SUV and not using the proper turn signals.
hate you
hate you so much
rage shoots from my eyes like a powerful optic blast right now
xmen year!!!
I like cajuns. Cajun food? Can't beat it. Cajun music and zydeco? Some of the best stuff on the planet. And the people? Right smack-dab in the middle of uptight, clenched-ass America (I grew up in Mississippi, so I know whence I speak) Redneck America is a group of people who live for little more than drinking, eating, making music and having a good time.
I saw X-Men number whatever where Gambit was introduced and thought, "Cool. A cajun superhero. About damn time." I then read the issue...and never read another issue of X-Men again. Funny how that works out, innit.
Ah, Gambit.
Will your costumes ever not suck raw ass?
On another note, I never cared for his effect on Rogue, who used to be my favorite damn X-Man in the '80s. He was no good, sugah...
"kevin church said...
rage shoots from my eyes like a powerful optic blast right now"
That must make you a ragin cajun, then.
Just like Gambit!
That Dave-
He is just like Marvel- Starts off with X-men week to boost the readership, then it takes off and the next thing you know its X-men month
Okay, but X-Men 3 weeks is starting to tire me. When did blogger start doing the disabilitiesbutton next to word verification.
hate you all for commenting here
hate you all so much
my rage knows no boundaries
But we all love you Kevin! Group Hug?
no touch i
language skills fail as rage grows
Oooh ooh! And don't forget to have a post about Paul Prudhomme, too. I hear Kevin likes him, too.
Dave, and all his loyal readers. Forget Gambit. Do yourselves a favor if you haven't already and read Dazzler #2, the single greatest issue of any comic book ever published. It would fit with the x-men epoch and everything. The cover says "Last Stand in Discoland", the issue guest stars the Avengers, the X-Men, 1/2 the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man, plus Walt Simonson ghost pencils about three pages in the middle. Page 8 alone is worth the price of admission. Run, don't walk to your nearest comic dealer and take a hit of pure comicy goodness. You'll thank me for it.
BTW, sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere but I just read this and, like reading the Bible, I feel compelled to spread the good news.
Stop everything! Stop the internet!
Ray has Airwolf!
Now, now, we all know Mike Sterling is the world's biggest Gambit fan.
Mike writes fan-fiction where Gambit falls in love with him and they get married.
I'd like to say Gambit is really dumb, but I quit reading X-Men before Gambit. No matter how bad Gambit may have been, I'm sure he was the least of that book's problems by that period in time.
Aparrently even mentioning the G-word is like poking a bear in the eye with a flaming stick.
Covered in ants.
Dammit, I used to love Gambit. He was so interesting as a minor character. What wasn't to like about a snarky, smooth talkin' thief who's weapon of choice was a a deck of cards?
Of course, then you try to make that into the star of the show, and suddenly, that cool theif idea gets stretched a little thin.
Add in the Eternals and it all falls apart.
BUT STILL! A lot of nostagolgia for Gambit. He just fit the mix pretty well back on that x-men animated series, didn't he? And he was the second best piece on my X-men Alert! Board game.
Is it cool Dave, to get requests from sick children in hospital? Thats the first step on the roads to be the Fan of Millions.
I guess I'll be postponing the Dave Campbell celebratory dinner, where canned soup and an appalling amount of coffee were to be served.
Kevin likes Gambit.
Kurt Busiek named Gambit as the one character he has no interest in writing again anywhere ever.
Dare I say it? I believe I do.
Busiek wins!
Gambit is so lame, he doesn't even get to be in X-Men 3!! However, I'm sure he's a great person and will be a good husband, but there's no rush, Kevin, take your time. Long engagements make for happy marriages.
Dear Mr. Dave,
What if yet another different, sicker little ORPHAN boy who's dog just died begged you a lot NOT to do a Gambit post? Hmmm? Would you not do it? Please???
I don't know if my...I mean his...HIS poor little weak heart could take reading an entire post on the Cajun X-Man...I really don't. **cough, cough**
Won't you help? It takes so little to make a sick child feel better, and NOT posting, or writing, or talking, or thinking about Gambit could be just the thing to pull him through.
Please be generous; Don't write about Gambit. You'll be glad you did(n't).
Being a Cajun myself, I was actually okay with Gambit until the storyline where the X-Men fought the Brood in a series of caverns underneath New Orleans.
Caverns underneath New Orleans.
I mean, c'mon! Do a little homework! Did they think that all the coffins in the city are kept above ground as a fashion statement? Aside from the lack of anything resembling bedrock in the entire state, any hole you dig in N.O. immediately fills up with water.
Maybe the Brood were able to keep their tunnels clear by utilizing Gambits incredible sucking power.
I remember enjoying the Gambit 25 issues of the ongoing series from a few years back, it was the only Marvel book I bought at the time because I really liked how the book had an actual plot, with a purpose and all. Plus the writer made Gambit really cool. My first exposure to Gambit was from the cartoon so maybe I'm biased, but what's so wrong with the character, why so much hate?
I have an odd relationship with Gambit. Normally, since he came after my time, and just generally seems like such an insufferable ass, I despise him. I would think any X-man would want to punch Wolverine in the face most of the time, but be slightly afraid to. Gambit, I don't see why they would ever stop punching him in the face. Snarky/charming is a very difficult attitude to pull off (just look at the legions of people who fail at it every day) and Gambit is way over the 'screw you' part of the line.
That said, the one time I liked Gambit seems to be the one time most people hated him most of all. His first (and only his first)Ultimate X-Men appearance. I actually honestly liked him there. Is there something wrong with me?
tycho b.,
Well, that would've required Claremont to have actually done some research on the character not-from-New-York-or-similar-urban-area, now wouldn't it. I came across a site recently - memory fails me on where - that pointed out how badly CC mangled both German and Russia, inre: Nightcrawler and Colussus. Same thing with Gambit, who sounds more like Adam Sandler's "Cajun Man" character than any New Orleans native I've ever met (who always sound like Dr. John to me, the white ones anyway).
He rarely got Rogue or Cannonball right, either. "Y'all" is not singular, dammit, it's plural! It means "you all" (which no one from the South actually ever says). For a bunch of folks, it's "all y'all". Used to send me into a towering rage, but I was a weird kid.
Y'all actually is singular, and the plural is all y'all or even y'all'all. I don't like it, but that's how it is.
Also, this has got to be the WORST theme week ever! C'mon Dave, GET ON IT!!!
Gambit told me I have AIDS.
Geez Dave, you probably killed the poor kid with that creepy avatar thing.
PS Am I the only one who wonders if Gambit's overcoat ever got funky from overuse? I imagine it to be a mix of mansweat and Popeye's chicken.
Actually, the "Brood vs X-Men in NewO caves" was co-written by pre-Image Jim Lee (Claremont had already left) and Howard Mackie (it was a crossover with his Ghost Rider).
Somehow, everything that sucks can be traced back to Howard Mackie.
Gambit is the only X-Man lamer than Cyclops or Banshee. PLEASE do a post on Gambit!
you obviously havent heard of hellion now he is lame, gambit for the win. and cyclops does suck major ass.
he stole Jubilee's raincoat & grabs a metal pole.
He throws identical cards corresponding w/ a bad joke of what card it is (i.e. hitting White Queen w/ the Queen of Diamonds)
he sold out the Morlocks so that he could do something.
Sinister f'in rules
he deserved no verif:
I spit on Gambit
I believe everyone ought to browse on it.
youtube converter
Gosh, there is a great deal of useful information above!
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