I don't trust this crazy blog thing enough to do a proper post today, so you'll have to settle for a pciture of me both rocking out and raging at the same time:

UPDATED: Great, now it looks normal again. This "internet blog" contraption is SCREWING WITH MY HEAD!
UPDATED AGAIN: See? It even made me misspell the word "picture!" I'm going quite mad.
Favorite thing about this entry? The juxtaposition of the rocking/raging picture with the phrase "quite mad."
Pretty obvious what's happening, isn't it? Obviously, Blogger is a Meggan fan.
And she's clearly not happy with you now.
Blogger is bad across the board the past few days.
And their help center sucks.
I haven't noticed anything with this page, but "Comics Should Be Good" was just HAMMERED by technical gaffes during the past few days.
I think it was being attacked by Alan Moore's chaos magick and Guy Fawkes's ghost for giving a good review to V for Vendetta.
Verification word--niadqpqn, which is a drug that cures Blogger problems. Side effects may include dizziness, miscarriages, and distortion of your anatomy so that you look like Rob LIefield.
I meant like a character ROb Liefileld draws. Though based on that picture you posted earlier I don't want to look like Liefield either...
Blogger is the worst free-software-from-a-mega-goliath-otherwise-awesome-software-company piece of crap I've ever used. I swear, the rest of the techie folks at Google must look at the Blogger aquisition and just pee their pants laughing. Or crying.
Dave, believe me you have the MOST stable blog on the blogosphere. The absorbascon has its poll jump all over the place while Comics Should be Good is down half the time. My blog has the poll at the inacessable abyss that is the bottom of the page. (It has zero comments. Please visit it! I'm not claiming it's Dave's Longbox or anthing but the first one to visit it gets a free car!) I suppose Seven Hells and The Incredible Hulk's Web Diary never mess up...
dude, is that a kinko's apron in the background?
No, not Kinko's.
I have vowed never to actually name the Seattle-based corporate monolith that I work for.
However, just think of me next time you shell out three bucks for a latte...
Rocking out AND raging at the same time? I smell another tribute to Dio!
I just had cocktails with Blogger, and we totally made fun of you.
Dave, look out! Your evil clone has escaped from his interdimensional prison and is seeking vengeance upon you by making ridiculous facial expressions and acting as though he has an explosive case of diarrhea!
That's just you rocking out and raging at the same time?
I...see. Carry on.
I have been interviewed thrice for a job at Starbucks. Once, there was a follow-up interview. In the end, they always called and said they regretted that we would not be collaborating, or sth. similar.
I never visit their bloody franchise cafes anyway.
franchise cafes are boring and have no life of their own. The advantage of being in a country that has a REAL coffee culture.
verification - vxldubor. Full bodied martian blend, love that vxldubor.
Dave's rage face is very similar to the one I had when I found out that Velvet Marauder was going on semi-permanent hiatus. The rage faded, now there is is only
sorrow. RIP Connor Mackenzie, Margo, Chad the Intern, Dr. Quark, Yiff, Heidi the Sorceress!! I'll never let go!! My heart will go on!
Caption: "Dave just found out that Seminfrous tubiloidinal buttinoids is in fact in the dictionary"
Firts the Nugent post now you rocking out and raging, David? It is confusing. In order for me to tell the two of you apart one of you is going to have to grow a mustache.
"wasxd" Oh I wasxd the hell out of it.
Is it just me, or does Dave look strangely Filipino in the pic? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
On a complete aside, Dave, due to real life, I actually fell way behind on reading your blog recently. So these "no post" days are actually helping me catch up a little. Thanks!
Verification: hotmxn
This Friday, I'm going to the club for some hotmxn with my homies, yo!
Dave - When are we going to hear you hardcore rap? This picture reminds me immediately of Natalie Portman's sketch from SNL where she killed my dog or something.
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