This is the second issue of The Punisher's first ongoing series, by writer Mike Baron and artist Klaus Janson, published way back in 1987, when The Punisher was still cool.
I don't feel like typing today, so instead I will provide you with a hastily-drawn visual recap of the comic. Here, then, is The Punisher #2:

"Then I make out with a bear."
I am ending all my stories that way from now on.
Wow, this ruled. I wish the images were a tad bigger w/o having to click on them, though.
Hmm, let me work on that.
This was the best post in the history of ever.
And you're not a bad artist, Dave. Better than I could do.
You should have ended with the lens cap on while the bear mutilates the Punisher just like Grizzly Man. Hysterical though.
I'd much rather read this than most actual Punisher stories.
Doesn't the cover art look like Frank is talking on his cell phone, though? "And then you...no! No way!...So what'd she do?....Uh-huh!....Oh, hang on, I'm punching you through a human chest, so I might lose the reception for a sec."
That was totally Airwolf.
It's his cell phone gun! You have to be real careful not to mix up its functions.
Please make these recaps a semi-regular feature.
Nice job. I can't wait for the hardcover collection. Wahoo!
Quite funny and enjoyable, but it looks like this took you much longer to draw than it would have to type. There's some pretty detailed stuff in there, like when the cop get shot and waves of anger radiate from Frank's head. Well done.
Dave...you rock the house down.
OOh! My word verification code is an onomatopoeia for the cell-phone/gun being punched thru a chest cavity!
This is FANTASTIC!! So, so awexxome!! LONGBOX RULEZ!
This post makes me want to be a better man.
That's just brilliant right there.
Best post ever. And that is saying something. In fact, it is saying "best post ever."
Then I make out with a bear.
So which issue is it where he makes out with the bear? It's Punisher War Journal #15, right?
I would so read a Dave-created minicomic about the Punisher. Especially if it had bears!
I hate stick people so much!! Thanks for capturing my rage. You're so Airwolf. I will no longer read any comics that are not Predrawn By You For My Protection.
"nxllvn"--what the Punisher is about to receive from that bear. Big nxl luvn'.
My word verification is "hogyh", whicn is the sound that the Punisher will make as the bear... uh, never mind.
The Punisher is so butch that only a bear can handle him.
Christ, I don't know if I will ever see anything so crystalline and perfect.
I think you captured the patented Punisher Noogie very well, Dave. Great job!
When do you sign your exclusive with Marvel?
Hee hee. Ever since Grizzly Man, whenever my wife gives me the lip, I call her a bear molester, and she calls me a bee lover. Then we simmer with resentment for a bit...
Great post, though. Is this new work?
Didn't Punisher make out with a bear under Ennis?
I think the Punisher is still cool. What's cooler than torching a murdering white slave trader?
Making out with a bear is cooler than torching a murdering white slave trader.
Just make sure you don't use your cell phone gun near petrol pumps. It's been known to set off explosions.
Hands down the comic of the year, even if it's a remake. Can every day be like this?
Only one thing would make this better: If you drew the Punisher as a woman.
I thought ryan said, "This post makes me want to be a better nun," and that made me want to be a better nun.
A much better nun.
What if the Punisher punched his cell phone gun through a nun's chest?
Great post, Dave.
Your anatomy sucks. Your perspective is horrible. Your backgrounds are almost non-existent. You need to take more life drawing classes. I don't know how you got the gig drawing Punisher #2 but I'm glad that I didn't buy that issue because I would have felt very ripped off.
What do you mean I need to buy a clue? What the fuck do you mean I entirely missed the point? No, fuck you!
You know, a REAL artist wouldn't be afraid to show a little more....arousal...on the Punisher's part in panel 1, page 2.
Sell out.
Gott in Himmel... David Campbell, just when I think we've seen the best you have to offer, you go and do ...this.
You had me at "Killed you, Liberace-style", Dave.
wtmavjck - the place to give bears and Bolivians pleasure.
Goddammit. It's official, Campbell: You're the much better version of me.
Dear Dave,
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if we weren't each otherwise betrothed, and if it were legal in the state of Washington, I'd totally marry you.
Finally, someone with the courage to show us the truth about man-bear love. Not those ugly stereotypes we see in the media every day.
Next stop: Oprah!
'axedif' what makes you regular again.
Man,there is not much I can say after this post.
The only thing that comes to mind : I wish garth Ennis had an ounce of your artistic vision. I would still be reading PUNISHER.
This post almost makes us even for planting Aerosmith in my head ( almost ).
Word verification for your reader from Germany : dxqfuiv. Which sounds like what the bear is about to do to Frank. I´m gonna dxqfuiv you, bitch !
The orgy of death panel rules!
Best. Review. Ever.
I have to stop reading both comics and reviews now. Nothing will ever top the perfection that was this review.
I love the Punisher but I don't think any character would have been more rife with parody possibilities. Fantastic summary, thank you.
Noogied to death by the Punisher. That's how I want to go out.
Y'know Dave, laff it up and all but your panel and page composition are pretty fucking good. Do you write your comic scripts this way, or type 'em out? (I myself do the former.)
I didn't write it out; I was jsut screwing around and did this during my commute time on the lovely Washington State ferry system.
For "real" projects I write full-on screenplay-style scripts with panel descriptions, etc.
Well, all right. Good composition skills nonetheless.
Did anyone else notice the disco ball above the lovers in the last panel? Great touch!
Dave is War!
Good use of line weight to indicate depth.
Curiously, outside of the original Grant/Zeck mini, the reviewed is the only issue of Punisher (any series)that I own. I must have read it at least twice, as the story was familiar to me.
You'd think pointing out the "dead guys" in advance would mar the build-up of suspense, but you, sir, somehow carry it off with napalm.
"taaedh"? hell yes, I'm taaedh. Been at work since 8.
"Making out with a bear is cooler than torching a murdering white slave trader."
You do know that "bear" is a slang term for something other than an actual bear, right?
I have to agree, the pseudocomic was pretty well-done. <3
Jrzzmvuo. Can I jrzzmvuo bear? Please!
I must have read this issue 38 times as a kid, so even though I haven't seen a copy in a decade it brought back a lot of memories. Thanks for the nostalgia! Your hard work contributed to the five most enjoyable minutes of my work day.
It didn't occur to me until I saw your mini-comic here how ridiculous his "diamond-tipped fingernails" are. At the time I just thought, "Cool, man - slit wrists!" But wouldn't he cut into his own hands everytime he made a fist?
You drew this on the ferry? Did people sitting around you notice your work and move away from you?
Oh man, Stephen Colbert was right. Bears are the enemy.
fgurf - The death rattle gangsters make when Frank noogies them into submission.
Truly Airwolf, Double Airwolf even.
Best ever. More please.
I would like to preorder the Special Edition of this comic with the embossed foil cover, please.
"Then I make out with a bear."
I LOVE that line.
Reminds me of the National Lampoon essay by Michael O'Donoghue, "How to Write Good." In it, he attests that every story can end with "suddenly he was ran over by a truck," with only mild variations of the line ever having to be made.
I used to think that people getting hit by a truck was the perfect ending for anything ever written. Or I did until Dave's post here.
I would tell you all how I'd top Dave's ending, but suddenly I am ran over by a truck while making out with a bear.
My throat hurts because I could not laugh out loud, and had to swallow the laugh. Darn you and your silliness!
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"You do know that "bear" is a slang term for something other than an actual bear, right?"
no, what is it?
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