Too busy.
Busy busy busy.
Instead of posting I leave you with a bunch of pictures of heavy metal superstar Ronnie James Dio.

"Stay sexy, Cleveland." xoxo Dio
Look into the face of evil, my friends.
"...and after he blessed my +5 vorpal longsword, Dio vanished in a puff of brimstone!"
"I slayed Aldo Nova with this burning finger, mortal fool!"
Are we evil or divine? Only Dio knows.
One ten hit-dice fireball, coming up!

Jazz-hands, Ronnie James Dio style.
Dude looks like a lady!
Uh, if you count Rue McLanahan as a lady.
Dio is, has always been, and always will be the ugliest man in rock and roll. And that's saying something.
I don't think anyone is uglier than the collective unmasked grotesquity (I am making up words, they are that bad) of Kiss.
Plus, I fear Dio and his devil horn whammy hands...
My money is on Motorhead's Lemmy as ugliest rock god, but I hear what you're saying.
Shane McGowan
or Billy Ocean
Ugliest man in rock and Roll? No, no my friends, have you never seen Ace Frehly without the makeup? The man looks like an old wooden Indian that was beat with a chain.
And as for giving Dio a run for his money this next extra long link with take you to the realm of... Yngve Malmsteen.
You know, 3rd edition totally ruined the perfectly good vorpal sword, know what I'm saying? And don't get me STARTED on what they did to bards.
Uh....hey...someone just used my name....while I was out...scoring with chicks, yeah.
In combining today's topic of ugly rock guys and last week's topic of dude looks like a lady, I give you the following:
Gene Simmons making kissy face with Steven Tyler.
Not a lie! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story! (well, it could be- you know how tricky people can be with photshop)
"Dio has rocked for a long long time
Now it's time for him to pass the torch..."
You're too old to rock --
No more rockin for you.
Yes, well, he still has a voice that would put any of today's whiney average-white-guy modern rockers to shame. So pooh. :p
Dave you impress me yet again. First you had your shout out to Rob Halford ages back and now Dio. I eagerly await your post about Manowar and the pursuit of true metal.
(Actually I fuckin hate Manowar but I felt it was appropriate to tip my hat to them, I am attempting to do the sign of true metal as I type this)
Oh and grotesqueticle serious, serious props for your use of the word "Cromulent" You've Imbiggened this blog with a depth of class it had yet to achieve.
I give the devil-horn sign for the Aldo Nova reference!
I knew it was only a matter of time before Dio appeared on this blog. ROCK ON!
This is just getting me psyched for Frank Miller's next next next project for DC, Holy Diver, Batman! Will Waynecorp scientists be able to develop the Bat-Vorpal Sword in time for Batman to stop Ronnie James Dio from usurping Ozzie's position at the head of Sabbath for a second time? I don't know, but I'm freaking out.
Funny you mention Dio. I was just talking about how "Rainbow in the Dark" is the greatest song ever written by which to eat brains.
Oddly, "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo" is #2. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
He was great in "Willow"
I will relate to you a story told to me by a friend. He was attending a work related convention in Vegas. He got tired of laughing at the boss's jokes and decided to head back to his room. As he was crossing the hotel lobby, lo and behold, here comes Gene Simmons, a young girl on each arm, crossing his path.
My friend stopped to let Simmons pass. He notices that Gene has a shirt unbuttoned down to here exposing his fine field of gray chesthair. Right as Simmons strolls by, my friend get a close up profile shot and also notices the thick tufts of gray hair protruding from the Fire-Breathing-One's ears.
Yay groupies.
Motorhead's Lemmy as ugliest rock god
Ain't that the truth. He is also the oldest. He's like the Chuck Norris of Metal.
As for RJD, I saw Dio last summer and the guy still sounds awesome. He is a midget, too.
I just want to know what's going on with the fingers? Every picture, posed with one or two fingers pointing. Like old icons of saints, 'cept evil of course.
Maybe he's got wicked arthritis.
(All the Rolling Stones are bug ugly and always have been, age has withered them, and custom staled their... yeah.)
Crissakes.... I go from the Power Girl entry to the ugliest goat-gene-spliced methuzellah in hard rock.... My sense of humor might have been stimulated, but my eyes... my eyes were molested!!!
God, i LOVE this guy :D
I think Ronnie james Dio is really sexy...but dont listen to me. Nobody ever does..:'(
Incredibly late on this, but compelled to post by the power of Dio. So metal!
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