My schedule has been quite mad recently and the new blogging gig at is playing havoc with my circadian rhythm, but I'm getting used to it. I'm trying to set realistic expectations of myself, so I'm hoping to do at least three posts per week. I miss talking about comics and while having a blog can be kind of stressful and demanding, it's still fun - or at least it should be.
So let's begin again, shall we? Let's look into one another's eyes and renew our sacred blog vows and put the past behind us and look forward to a shining future together, you and I.
Hey, look! Bird poop! That's always good for a laugh.

Good to see you back. I look forward to all your blog activities here in the Long Box and Live from L.A.
Oh man. I feel so bad for the little guy. Not the bird, the boy.
He must have been singing Tom Jones songs.
Welcome back. You were missed.
All is forgiven! Welcome back!
Heh. That kid got it pretty bad, but Canadian news reporter guy gets a way worse bird-bombing. Guanoriffic, even.
Yeah... I mean it's nice you got a job and all, but spare some love for us comics nerds. TV is pretty farking boring, even with Dave analysis.
Damn straight is great to have Dave back.
Can we have your take on the first arc of the new Thor please sir?
And I pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I get on my knees and pray...
Nah, just kidding. You can fool me now and as many times as you want into the foreseeable future.
"What is this? WHAT IS THIS? You dare to bring me 'cashews', boy? When I so clearly demanded PEANUTS? You cretinous abhuman, you know not what you have wrought. Behold the full fury of my FEATHERY ARSE!"
The End.
Good to have you back, Dave-O.
Why you post, Dave Campbell?
I sacrificed a first issue of Suicide Squad for this? Bird poo? I'm glad I used a second printing. A French second printing.
Okay, flying rats pooping on kids is funny. But still.
Not to be an ass, but I think you could have a section of your blog devoted to apologies for not blogging.
You could even run a DLB Week of Apologies in Review.
That kids gonna be going through therapy
Why must you make this internet a house of lies, Dave Campbell?
It's all right, folks! The pigeon's really a Green Lantern, and the kid... err... he's Despero! Yeah, that's it!
Would this be three posts per standard week, or three posts per twenty-six day Campbellian "week"?
Y'see, if that kid lived in the DC universe, trauma like that would be enough to push him right the fuck over. the. edge. and turn him into some super-villain with a bird-crap motif.
If he lived in the MARVEL U, well... barring a story by Steve Gerber, that'd just be a normal day.
Glad to see you're back, Dave.
I had nearly given up on seeing you back.
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