Today's theme is "Thumbs Up and Awesomeness!"
I know, I promised some actual comics-related content, but I lie frequently and am not to be trusted.
I know, I promised some actual comics-related content, but I lie frequently and am not to be trusted.

Officer Buck Savage gives you a hearty thumbs up, Seventies Cop style.

Mickey Mouse: stoked.

scha·den·freu·de [shahd-n-froi-duh] satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.
[Origin: 1890–95; <>Schaden harm + Freude joy] Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Seriously, Jean Claude VanDamme is the shit.
Okay, thanks for your patience.
This lil' guy dances better then VanDamme...
God, you're weird.
Van Damme is SO FUCKING AWESOME in that pic.
Van Damme looks like he is made entirely of leather in that picture. Everything. Coat, skin, hair...
Kiera Knightly looks goddamn terrible in that picture.
Van Damme circa the Friends episode where he asks one of the girls for a threesome proves he is the shizznit.
Somebody get keira Knightly a cookie STAT!
In 2001 Jean-Claude Van Damme entered the fashion world with a line of eponymous denim clothing. "It's going to be a great business. It's a very special, unusual line and I'm proud of it." Van Damme said to a reporter. But till now we did not see to much 'great business'. For fans it's hard to find (or impossible?) to get any Van Damme clothing. Only Jean-Claude Van Damme himself wears cool jeans now and then. The clothing line is named Dammage7. The website that was launched by the introduction is now disappeared...
In 2003 followed "The Savage", and he had a role in a music video clip from Bob Sinclair, called "Kiss my eyes". In this clip he is dancing with a lady, and on their way they are accidental breaking windows, doors, statues and much more. At the end of the clip they figured out what a mess they made. Then Van Damme says: "a lot of Van Dammage"
That "cop giving a thumbs-up" picture brings much awesomeness.
I feel a better man for having seen it.
My thanks, Sir Dave.
Thumbs up, my good man.
One of my favorite Van Damme moments occured during the E! True Hollywood Stories that featured him. Footage of him at a press conference at Planet Hollywood.
"Eye was de best befohr. Aind I'm going to be de best agayne."
Then he did a high kick.
Audience: No reaction.
If I ever said that real girls don't look like Michael Turner's Supergirl, I take it back. Jeeze, eat a sandwich or something...
I don't know who's old school dance moves are worse: Van Damme or Vanilla Ice. Sheesh.
Oh yeah, Keira Knightly definitely needs to go get a Fudrucker's burger.
I guess it's a no-brainer. I demand that next week be VAN DAMME WEEK!!!!!
For a gymnast, Van Damm is not that bad of a dancer.
Yeah, and for an overweight guy, I'm not that bad a sprinter.
Hooray relativism!
That guy on the right in the football picture? That guy is /way/ too drunk to exist. Honestly.
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