My neat-o Site Meter allows me to see what Google searches have landed people here at Dave's Long Box. Here then, in a feature ripped off from Dr. Scott of Polite Dissent and many other bloggers, are the highlights of the Google searches that have brought people to my humble blog within the past 24 hours alone.
Gasp at the depravity of Teh Intrnt:
Hulk Hogan quotes - No, seriously. What are you going to do when the 24-inch pythons and the Hulkamania comes for you?
- Boobs definition - I am not the right person to be providing you with this information, young man.
- Power Girl nude (#1) - Awesome! As of April 25th, 2007 I am the #1 search result for Power Girl nude. I can die in peace now.
- Why Gambit sucks - This is a question that has furrowed the brow of many a great thinker since 1990. I have The Answer, my young padwan apprentice.
- Gambit sucks - It's a popular topic.
- gambit totally sucks - This person really just wants his belief system validated, and I was happy to help provide that reassurance.
- Gambit sucks ass (#1) - There you go: April 25th, 2007! I, David Campbell, had a blog that was the #1 search result for the words Gambit and sucks and ass. King of the Internet! Right here! Woo!
- Gambit blows - Okay, that may be true but come on, this is a family blog. Let's keep it clean.
- Gambit uncool - You said it, bub!
- Batman segway (#1) - Again, #1.
- Monkey style kung fu (#1) - I am ON FIRE. This is like a dream.
- JIHAD TRANSFORMERS - That would be terrifying.
- Hillbilly Fight (#1) - No, wait. Now I can die in peace. #1 for Hillbilly Fight! Yee-haw!
- boob smashed against fence - Aaand now we're kind of creeping me out.
- VOMIT SLAVE 2 - I didn't know this was out on DVD yet! I loved the original Vomit Slave. I'm ordering that from Amazon pronto!
- moby dick wrong whale to fuck with - Truer words were never spoken.
- how to make a lightsaber bong - I do not know but if you ever find out, email me bro.
- modam (#1) - Yesss! I'm currently #1 for MODAM, the hideous female counterpart to MODOK.
- SHAKIRA,S LAST COLOR HAIR - I don't like it when Shakira's hair is super-curly, but I love that sexy free-flowing layered look she has. It's like a sassy cinammon sunset! Go Shakira!
- sexy grandma - Thankfully, I'm on the 5th page for this particular search. I don't think I could live with myself if I was the #1 search result.
- hypnotic boobs - Aren't they all?
- colon snake - My prison nickname.

Doesn't mentioning sexy grandma again make you go up in the list?
Doesn't my mention of it here also make it rise to the top?
sexy grandma
sexy grandma
sexy grandma
sexy grandma
sexy grandma
sexy grandma
Dave Campbell for #1!!!
Is Vomit Slave 2 the one that is extra chunky?
Dave, three things:
1) Thank you for creating the concepts of the Richard Gere Factor and the Kurt Russell factor.
2) Thank you for linking to that old Gambit sucks post, as I have now been reminded of the Richard Gere Factor and the Kurt Russell factor.
3) Kurt Russell freaking rules.
That is all.
Ahhh...reminiscing about how much Gambit sucks. Yes...yes he does.
I guess I was lucky enough to never come into conctact with Gambit in print form...reading X-Men comics that have shunned him. Originally I was confused about Gambit's sucking because the only exposure I had with him was in the Sega game, in which, thankfully, he wasn't allowed to talk.
Thanks for bringing me into the light.
No Batman on acid ranking?
"Just have to hit all the other places"
You deserve the #1 status, no question, Dave. Especially since several other searches for batman segway only pop up because they have misspelled the word segue.
Wow Dave, reading that back post reminded me how you nearly had a jihad declared on you by the Humble Followers of Gambit, May His Name Be Forever Exalted.
I found your sight by googling "giant juicy fun bags."
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I believe I was the one who searched for "hypnotic boobs" sadly my search still goes on but nice blog
I'm a hetero guy whose favorite X-Man is Gambit.
But to put things in perspective I also skipped the Superbowl one year to go see Chicago in a theater with female friends.
That MODAM picture is terrifying!
You might have Gambit sucks but Chris Sims has Fuck Gambit which owns that much harder.
Batgirl bound and gagged
Dave orgy
Spider-Man nude scene
Blue Devil straight
I am so bloody jealous. Why isn't my blog being found by the search "moby dick wrong whale to fuck with"? Just because I've never written about moby dick, or whales, or their various levels of fuck-with-ability? Seems like a poor excuse.
But, come to think of it, why aren't you writing more posts about how moby dick is the wrong wale to fuck with? Is there really any better topic out there?
That Shakira search has the site as the #1 result. You just have to love the interweb. I particularly like how someone decided to put in a search for "wrong whale to fuck with" :p
"moby dick wrong whale to fuck with"
uhh...yeah, that was me. Sorry.
I just wanted to say I tried to google my own blog today. I got zero results till I typed the whole title as one word " talesfromthekryptonian ".
On fourth place was Dave´s Long Box : And Lo, There Shall Come A Taxman!
This is depressing.
I'm sort of embarassed. I'm a female reader and I still found this place through some sort of Power Girl google search. I had never heard of the chracter, then I saw it brought up on a women's site (arguing about whether it was sexist or not) and decided to educate myself.
Found this place, laughed a lot, bookmarked it, and I still don't know a single thing about Power Girl.
i found this place when i was googling info about the slug aka lame ass villian # 11.
Google is indeed brilliant: Nearly 3 years later I typed Balding, Middle Aged Blowhards Who Believe Their Own Hype into the search engine and the links led me here to Dave Campbell's blog! Thank You Google search engine for giving me and my hubby a great laugh!
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