Humor me if you will as I engage in a little self-promotion. On November 1st The Official Handbook of The Invincible Universe #1 (of 2) from Image Comics hits the shelves at your local comic book shop and I want you, dear reader, to buy it. Why? Because I worked on that bastard!
Masterminded by Dusty Abell, The Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe is an homage to the late Mark Gruenwald's beloved Marvel reference series from the Golden Eighties. It's an illustrated guide to Robert Kirkman's kick-ass Invincible comic, detailing all the characters in the series. Everyone's in here, from major characters like Invincible and Atom Eve to minor characters like Octoboss and my favorite, Bi-Plane. Hell, there's even a Science Dog entry.
A host of artists like Jason Pearson, Cory Walker, Brian Stelfreeze, Ed McGuinness, and more contributed new pin-ups for each entry, and none other than David Campbell himself (me) wrote many of the entries (particularly in the second issue). I got to join forces with Elliot R. Brown, the guy responsible for the Book of Weapons and Paraphernalia from the original OHMU series, which was very cool.
So make sure you order one from your retailer today! The Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe offers hours of reading entertainment, all delivered in the mighty Image manner!!! Enough has been said!
Behold Dusty's cover for the first issue:
SWEEEEET!!! I can't wait to read it, Dave! Congratulations!
Congratulations! That's way cool!
It's slash fiction?
What's the Invincible Universe? Does it have something to do with that Eric Roberts movie? If it does I ain't buyin' nothin'.
Is there an entry for the Funky Bunch?
This makes me happy. I love the old Marvel Handbook and that cover is perfect! Congrats Dave!
Alas, there is a notable absence of Eric Roberts and Marky Mark/Funky Bunch entries. Maybe if there is a third issue...
Man, I remember Dusty Abell was an "artist to watch" back in 1991 when he did one the Superman issues and his output has been pretty sporadic since, but I always get a charge when he does pop up. Good to see his work again.
(Of course, congratulations are in order, but I can't say that in front of all these people.)
Vengeance will be mine, Church.
Wow! Dave Campbell's Big Time!
Wicked cool. But wait...does this make you a sellout or an insider?
You know, the OHotMU is what got me into collecting comics in the first place, and Invincible is what got me to love comics all afresh once again -- I mean, I still read them, but a lot of the joy and fun had been sapped from the medium, although that's a rant for another day -- so I am all over this as though born to do nothing but purchase this. I'll swear right here to backtrack on my former committment to destroy the comic industry by only buying trades and pick up not only the individual issues, but the trades as well. Because trades are easier to lend -- and get back.
Daves's not selling out. He's cashing in!
Congratulations! Here's hoping more gigs in the funnybooks soon follow.
Nice work Campbell. You've really raised 'the Barre.'
Only somebody I work with would make that obscure inside joke. Thanks Jeanette!
Holy shit Dave, that's awesome! Congrats! And you got to work with Dusty Abell and Eliot Brown, too? Sweet!
That is the greatest job any wannabe comics writer could ever hope for.
That is awesome!
Oh, cool!
So...you're NOT just a bum "slash" corporate tool.
Someone actually coughed up some moneys for "the Dave Campbell touch".
uh...I mean, excellent choice!
So, when are you going to write your own?
I would buy multiple issues of ANY Dave Campbell penned funnybook of excellence!
I'm all over that! OOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
"Vengeance will be mine, Church."
Damn, looks like we got an East Coast/West Coast feud brewing here.
Congratulations! How did you get hooked up with this?
Ooh, ooh, ooh! Did you get to write the Immortal's profile?
From one author to another, big fat respect Dave. I really like your writing and I'm glad some of it is going to live in posterity for eternity. Or at least for a while.
congratz Dave! Science Dog rules!
Alas, I didn't write Elephant or Immortal, which would have been cool. Among the entries I did get to write were Science Dog, Bi-Plane, and Damien Darkblood, Demon Detective. And Furnace. And Shrinking Ray. I did Monster Girl and Omnipotus, too. And Kursk. Magnattack, Magmaniac, Tether Tyrant. Oh, and Amber Bennett. Robot. Teen Team. I did a lot. I'm leaving some people out... ah, yes. Your Mom
Cool, though i think this is already out over here as i saw what looks exactly like this cover in Borders. I was going to pick up a copy and look through it as i've seen some invincible pics on the web and was wondering what it was but my friend happened to call at that time.
I'll head back this weekend and check it out.
that reminds me, I have to show you my Wolverine project.
I won't be able to start it until December.
sorry, man,
I wrote Your Mom.
She says eat your vegetables.
Any progress on Templar? (Why yes, I have been keeping track.)
Dave, I'm out of the proverbial loop when it comes to this particular comic book universe. And I'm out of the loop when it comes to your blog too, seeing as how I only now read this entry.
Congratulations, dude. You should make sure and slip in an entry of yourself—That's what I want during hiatus week—an (Un)Official Entry for Dave Campbell in the Official Handbook for any comics universe of your choice. Or even comparative entries—the DC Dave and the Marvel Dave—maybe the E.C. Comics Dave.
But I guess that would defeat the purpose of hiatus week, eh?
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