Again, I want to emphasize that I am capable of both doodling and listening/participating at the same time, so the fact that I am able to draw in a work meeting should not reflect poorly on my work ethic. Just want to be clear on that.
Man, Hiatus Week is sort of running long, huh?

Confused am I by SeƱor Fury's parsing of vulgarities. He won't drop a proper F-bomb, but is not afraid to call "bullshit." Perhaps that is what makes him so fascinatingly complex.
That is EXACTLY what makes him so fascinatingly complex, and this goldbrickin' yahoo Campbell knows it!
And sadly, Garth Ennis clearly does not understand it.
I don't understand. That doesn't look like Samuel Jackson.
Wahoo! This one's fer gabe!
Maybe it's me, but I'd prefer it if you doodled instead of paying attention. Screw work ethic!
Get the haitus week over! The masses are waiting for a return to typical (if anything on this site could be called such) comic reviews.
I agree with J'onn. Though I do realise that if it comes down to a decision between the blog and work, unfortunatley work wins.
Oh and when is this going on a t-shirt.
I want it NOW!
This is starting to look more like Hiatus Month
Check in meeting? Are you on Hill Street Blues?
"This is frickin' bullshit!"
So which conservative commentator is Col. Fury responding to?
Or maybe its something the Attorney General said.
Why do I hear what Nick Fury is saying in the voice of Carl, the neighbor of the Aqua Teen hunger Force?
"So which conservative commentator is Col. Fury responding to?"
Yeah. Like someone as badass a Nick Fury could be a bleeding heart liberal!
Man, you should just end Hiatus week and change the name to "Hiatus Month" or "Hiatus Season", then you wouldnt have to feel bad every monday you continue the Hiatus Week.
Hopefully your work will get easier in the near future.
Dat's da best sketch for all of Hiatus Week/Month/Year/Decade/
Keep up the good work.
I, for one, fully support Hiatus Month, even if means changing the name of the site to Dave's Notepad. There are, after all, only so many Marvel comics that a man can dissect while also balancing a wife, two kids and a job at an unnamed Seattle-based corporate monolith before he goes batshit and starts stabbing people.
You don't have to be a "bleeding heart liberal" to call bullshit on conservative commentary.
Fury is way too smart to be a conservative. I'm sure he's a lot like Wesley Clark.
Uh-oh Dave. This hiatus things goes a bit longer than anticipated and the kids start talking politics. It is never a good sign for a blog when the commentary section starts filling up with acrimonous political dialog (notable exceptions being those blogs focused on either politics or Winger.)
Nothing related to this post, but I saw this today and had to link to it here:
The Mentos/Diet Coke story hit The link is to a commenter using "Airwolf" as a term of respect and coolness.
Ohmigod -- it IS catching on.
(And then do yourself a favor and watch the video of the Diet Coke exploding to music -- VERY cool.)
I have no real comment to make, but as I was reading the comments, I noticed the word verification was:
and it just looked like what Cookie Monster would say if someone took him to Outback Steakhouse for a change. How could I pass that up?
Since Hiatus Week made me start my own similar blog-type thingee, it has ruined my social life. Damn you Dave, damn you!
Now if only I'd have had a social life to begin with, I'd actually understand why Hiatus Week needs to exist.
Uh.....WHY is Nick Fury wearing Michael Jackson's old hand-me-downs?
LOOK at that outfit!
The black "leather", the metal shin-guards, the SGT. PEPPER shoulder gear, the ONE FRIGGIN' GLOVE???
And look at his stance!
One hand grabbing for crotch, the other with the "gun" pose.
Maybe he'll pull the eyepatch doen over his mouth next.
Dave is losin' it, boys!
"Fury is way too smart to be a conservative."
No. He's too cool to be a liberal. That and he uses guns.
No. He's too cool to be a liberal. That and he uses guns.
Liberals don't use guns? Shows how little you know about liberals.
Besides, who said he was a liberal?
Man great website! Your sketches make me want to cut off my own hands in shame.
Congratulations sir, you just made it onto the "favorites" tab.
Well done.
Why does Nicholas Joseph Fury use the word "frickin'"? It's not because of propriety, I assure you.
As a former SHIELD agent, I can state for the record that "fricking," in the context of Helicarrier antics, is not a euphemism for fucking. No, you only wish it were.
Fricking involves road flares, duct tape, a ferret, and a sudden catastrophic loss of one's dignity. Usually in the cafeteria, almost always during lunch.
Mr. Campbell, obviously a man with connections to our nation's security apparatus, knows of this practice. This isn't a surprise, given his many previous SHIELD-based postings.
Perhaps Mr. Campbell's secret job is more secret than he cares to admit?
Admit it, Campbell. You have a flying car in your garage, a bottle of Sitwell's "invisibility pills" in your medicine cabinet, and got that limp from a HYDRA Dreadnought robot assassin.
"Unnamed Seattle-based major corporation" my ample butt.
"Liberals don't use guns? Shows how little you know about liberals."
I must have been confused by all the ridiculus gun control laws. Fury knows better than to be a liberal. I just can't see him believing in socialized medicine.
Com back soon, Dave! We miss you!
PS: You should totally draw more Nick Fury; you condensed all his awesome into one picture without even trying.
What the hell wrong with you? You delet both my comments! Friggen a-hole!
I know plenty of liberals who use guns, go hunting, go to Iraq and fight for their country, etc.
The gun-owning liberals are the ones who can read the whole Second Amendment in one sitting.
I'm not surprised you were "confused." Conservatives are always "confused" because they get all their information from other "confused" conservatives.
This is neither the time nor the place for political crap. Nick Fury would be ashamed.
"This is neither the time nor the place for political crap."
Dat is frickin' bullshit!
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