Still on hiatus; still not posting regularly.
I try to make a "to do list" every day at work to stress myself out even further. There's nothing like starting the morning by enumerating all the shit I won't be able to get to that day. To make the bitter pill go down easier, I often sketch or embellish my "to do list." Giant monsters are often involved. There are few things in life that can not be improved with the addition of a giant monster.
That's my new motto, right there.
"There are few things in life that can not be improved with the addition of a giant monster."
Or ninjas.
Or giant monster ninjas.
That would be swell.
giant Nazi monster ninjas.
time-traveling giant Nazi monster ninjas...
made of bees.
that dispense pies.
...with candy sprinkles on top,laced with mutagens...yum...
...carried in by Audrey Tautou...
Attacking Martian Hawaii.
There are few things in life that can not be improved with the addition of a giant monster.
I appreciate the time you devote to sketching on your "to do" list but wonder if you've considered its contribution to the stress you feel when faced with the other shit you won't get done that day. I'm not judging.
"There are few things in life that cannot be improved with the addition of a giant monster." Sounds like the founding tenet of a new religion. Count me in. It can't be any weirder than Scientology. Or Catholocism.
Dood, I bet you doodled like this on your resume when you sent it into the giant Seattle-based corporation.
Lookit the dinosaur in the distance with his little bitty arms open wide!
He wants to give Dave a hug to make it all better.
"There, there, Dave.
Dino-pal make you happy again!
Come play with me instead of working for the Giant Seattle-based corporation."
It's just the cutest thing ever.
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