As many of you know, I’m busy with my full-time job blogging for my corporate masters at Live From L.A.
It’s been a hell of a lot of fun and I have a lot of people to thank – so let’s get to it.
I first started blogging because of the example set forth by three guys: Graeme MacMillan of the dearly departed Fanboy Rampage, Mike Sterling of Mike Sterling’s Progressive Ruin, and the enigmatic Neilalien of, well… Neilalien. Their blogs couldn’t have been more different, but they were always well-written and thought provoking and offered up an example of how blogs could be a uniquely personal reflection of one’s passions. I want to thank you guys for inspiring Dave’s Long Box and for being so flat-out awesome. At the risk of sounding corny, your work has really made a positive impact on my life and I salute you, Ric Flair-style. Woo!
I also want to thank Kevin Church of Beaucoupkevin.com – where is that Norm Breyfoggle original art that you promised me, Church? Much thanks to “Bitter” Andrew of Armagideon Time, Dorian from Postmodernbarney, Bully the little stuffed bull, and the Legomancer himself Dave Lartigue – all masters of their craft. I also want to thank Ragnell from The Written World, Dr. Scott from Polite Dissent, Ken Lowery from Ringwood and kenlowery.com, and Metrokitty for being their rad selves. As far as group blogs go, big love for The Savage Critics, When Fangirls Attack, Blogzarro, Superfrankenstein, and the late Listen to Us, We’re Right, who usually were. Thanks and praise go to Scipio over at The Absorbascon and Big Monkey Comics for being such a swell guy and for keeping the Vibe love alive. Treacher, Jim: madman. I also want to thank Brian Cronin and Augie De Blieck – Jesus, this is like signing somebody’s high school yearbook, isn’t it? Also thanks go to Harvey B.R. Jerkwater and his lovely wife. I have lots of respect for Gorjus and the Prof over at Pretty Fakes, Greg Burgas at Delenda Est Carthago, the maniacs at The Indian Chief Blowers, creators of Laser Force, The League of Melbotis, Bahlactus for hosting Friday Night Fights, Yet Another Comics Blog, Marc Singer, Tom Foss over at The Fortress of Soliloquy, Dial B for Blog, Seven Hells! and Howling Curmudgeons. I would be remiss if I didn’t publicly declare my admiration for the work of Alan David Doane, Johnny Bacardi, Tom Spurgeon, David Fiore, Jog, Tim O’Neil, Tom the Dog, Shane Bailey, and Ian Brill. Big shout outs to Ed Cunard, Mark Hale over at Chaosmonkey, Jim McGrath, Dr. K, Benjamin Birdie of The Rack fame, and any other Dead Gopher that I have neglected to mention. Crap, can I even mention the Dead Gophers? I think I just broke a bylaw. Shit, I almost forgot! Thanks to the people who used to run the Comics Weblog Update-a-tron thing, whoever you are.
I’m kicking myself because I’ve probably forgotten some blogger that I really really like, and they’re going to be pissed at me forever. Let’s see, am I missing anybody…? Oh. Right.
One of the most enjoyable parts of running Dave's Long Box, aside from all the chicks, was my rivalry with Chris Sims of The Invincible Super-Blog. I hand over my sword and concede the field to Chris, who is a tremendous talent and a funny guy, but is a total cockhead. Kidding! Ha ha! Look for mighty things from Chris Sims in the future - he is going to be a fucking TITAN! Mark my words well.
Aside from blogging folk, I want to thank Dusty Abell and Robert Kirkman for the Invincible Handbook gig, which was fun. Thanks also to Gene Ha, who does a hilarious Alan Moore impression, Larry Young of AiT/Planetlar, who is a mensch, Jay Pinkerton, and Jeff Parker, who totally likes me better than Chris Sims so eat it Sims. Many thanks to Ernie Cline, the man who created Airwolf: the adjective. I also want to thank Josh Elder for the advice and the GCPD badge and Kevin Church for making me a hot reporter in Cover Girl. Many thanks to Craig Brasfield, Dave Guttierez, the fine folks at Cracked.com, Ted “Thunderbolt” Bramble, Mad Michael Moran over at the Times Online, and Kent Goodrich, my boss who let me present the SHIELD Career Power Seminar at work.
Finally I want to thank everybody who has ever read my humble blog and a double-thanks to anyone who has ever commented. A double-thanks with handshake to anyone who has commented 2-7 times, a hug for anyone who has commented 8-13 times, a 10-second French kiss to anyone who has commented 14-20 times… OK, you see where I’m going with this. FYI, at 40 comments you get maced in the face and at 50 you get a restraining order.
Anyway, thanks also to friends of Dave’s Long Box, including but not limited to my mom, Dan Coyle, Olav the Hairy, Chris Arndt, James Remar, Mike Hasselhoff, Summer & Virgil, Bill, Woody!,Drake Hogestyn, Konstantinos Stamoulis, Edward Liu, Gayest Neil, Dara, Kelvin Green, P-Tor, Mike Loughlin, Winterteeth, Cove West, Tom Bondurant, Roel Torres, MGK, Anonymous, McGone, Ric Flair, Rachelle, Koala Mentalla, Sallyp, Todd Fucking Kaneko, Chad Sexington, Oldsmoblogger, Ghostman, Martin Wisse, Haole, Beta Ray Steve, John the IG, Nimbus, Peter, Patrick, Bill Reed, Spencer Carnage, Benari, Woody, The Real Rick Jones, Jeff Easton, Dougbot, Sleestak, your mom, Sallyp, Greg, Brad Curran, Ted Nugent, Nshumate, Ted, Ian, RTO Trainer, Matt Murray, Gbob, and Mister Sinister.
Manly thanks also to Ken Christiansen of Bad Flip Productions and Rocket Bob Lindenmayer who helped me fight off a bear attack. I also want to thank Chava and Mimsy and my wife, who is Big Barda and Mary Jane all rolled into one package.
I'll be launching a new site shortly - I'll post the address as soon as it's up and running. My new site will be a little more expansive in terms of scope... meaning it will be an unfocused rambling mess. But we'll talk about that later. I hope you swing by and say hi once I'm open for business.
So, to wrap it up, thank you. Thanks for stopping by and digging through the ol' long box with me for the past few years. It's been a hell of a lot of fun.
--Dave Campbell
And thus Chris Sims' reign of unopposed tyranney begins...
*sniff* Good-bye Dave...
But I am glad you are not simply disappearing on us, Mr. Crampbells.
Bye Dave, thanks for keeping things Airwolf.
Thanks for all the laughs, Dave! And, of course, continued luck with the ABC gig!
Surely this is a dream, hoax, or imaginary story!
And I'd like to thank you for adding to the crippling feelings of depression and inadequacy your blog has left me with the last few years.
You know, in a good way.
Thanks for the good times! I still want to contract your services for a SHIELD Career Power Seminar for a future organizational meeting.
Thanks for all the fun times, Mr. C, and best wishes for your future endeavors.
You were and continue to be a major influence on my blogging work. I'm more than willing to pick up the slack in making fun of Sims, if so required.
(I'll miss DLB, but I'm glad that you still snuggle up next to me at night.)
I thought we weren't going to talk about our relationship in public, Kevin.
Rest in peace, Dave
It was a Doom bot all along! I knew it!
Bye, Long Box! You'll be missed.
You totally missed an opportunity to fade away and then post your return to blogging every 6 months, just to fade away again.
You'll be missed, Dave! Looking forward to more of your sketches on the new site....
No, no, no, Dave! It's supposed to be done in a snitty fit of pique, and then you sneak back in two weeks and lord it over all of us! That's how you resign from the internet.
Except you had to do it with a touch of class. Ruining the curve for the rest of us.
Singing: "And Iiiiiiiiiiii...will always...love...YOUUUUUUUUUUUU..."
This is MOST Non-Airwolf!
But best of luck to you and your long box, Dave, in whatever you both get yourselves into!
double ewe tea effigy.
Take it from a long-retired blogger: you'll be amazed how much you'll enjoy the end of guilt over not posting.
Now you can sit back on the porch, hike your checkered pants up to your nipples, and criticize the young bloggers of today for their inadequacies and lethargy.
"Why, back in my day," you'll say, "we didn't just scan in pictures of 'Jimmy Olsen' comics and leave 'em there! We cracked jokes! Jokes about incest and bow-ties and boobs! And we were grateful for the chance! Grateful! Not like you punks today!"
Then you'll swill some Metamucil, hum a Tommy Dorsey tune, and go play shuffleboard with all us old farts.
Dave, we all draw comfort from your example and your ascent into Internet Valhalla: the Paying Gig. (Granted, having to watch "Men in Trees" and "Oprah's Big Give" sounds worse than a day job...egad...)
Congratulations, my brutha. As you ride into the sunset, let us all yell together:
F%$# YEAH!
My underappeciated blog is older than yours and now will always be older than yours!
I was looking forward to shutting down my weblog in December 2009 and watching DLB go on to 2012 to truly surpass mine in length.
You quitter.
Here I am, acknowledging fully that you went to the appropriate lengths and acknowledged my contributions to your life, coming in shortly after Dan Coyle and your mom.
I made Dave's life so much in significance as the woman who raised and birthed him and you all should remember that!
Especially Kevin Church.
Whatever your next blog entails, Dave S, it better be worth my commenting on or I will come for you and make much pain on the west coast.
Now wearing my unhappy pants!
Sad to see the blog go, but glad that you're sticking around in some form or another, and mega glad for all of the hilarious stuff you've posted here over the years. I have a special spot in my heart for Airwolf, Boob War, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Powerpoint!
F%$# off Dave, you big hairy sell out. I hope you...
Wait, I got a mention?
Scratch that. So long Dave! And thanks for all the tosh.
Re: "meaning it will be an unfocused rambling mess"
Just like this blog then?
Dave, this was probably the very first comics blog that I ever read. It's because of you that I started really getting back into some of my old comics--and visiting th' comics blogosphere.
I still have to say--VELVET MARAUDER FOREVER!!
Thanks for everything, Dave Campbell, especially such incisive terms as 'The "F#@& Yeah!" Moment' and 'Boob War'. You'll always be my first comics blogger.
I probably earned a restraining order with that comment alone.
I can't figure out what's worse... that Long Box is gone or that Sims has "won."
Thanks for all the great reading Dave. It's been really, really entertaining.
It's a sad day for fans of freewheeling stream-of-unconsciousness comic book bloggery but, I suppose, a great day for Dave - who one assumes will go on to greater things, assuming for one second that there could be better than those freaky, creepy, eerie, and plain nutso Tales from the Long Box.
Excelsior Dave; Ride on, Live Free, Die Hard.
Thanks for all the good times. For nearly getting me fired at work for checking your blog on a daily basis. For inspiring me to do my own.
Go get paid, sir.
Now who's gonna tell us who the lame-ass villains are???
Also my first comics blog, Dave. Thanks for a great run and a lot of laughs.
Waaahhhh! Sorry to se eyou go, your blog was good...
Don't worry. We'll give you a viking funeral.
...Stop struggling, I'm trying to light the pyre.
P.S.: May your F#@% Yeahs be forever Airwolf, good sir.
We'll always have Paris. The moonlight in the Seine, the Sentinel Bras, the revelation as you leaned into my ear and whispered softly, "Suck is Eternal"...I remember it all like it was yesterday.
Thanks for all the good times (and for the shout out), see you on the next blog, and, just one more time for the road: Why you no post, Dave Campbell?
I will truly miss this internets version of Dave. And damn you for making me comment on abclive about an Oprah show! Now everybody knows!
That is the Power of Dave.
Fear it. Respect it.
Awww, farewell first blog I ever read. You shall be missed.
F#@% Yeah!
Dave, hopefully we can see more of your writing in the future, especially the continuation of Velvet Marauder, in any medium, somehow. Not continuing that would be a dirty shame, in my opinion. I was thrilled and honored with you mentioning my name at the end of this post, many thanks.
Good luck with your future endeavors and, last but not least, UP THE IRONS!
You made me laugh, you made me cry, and Boob Wars made me [something unmentionable]. You are an awesome writer of unique talent, best of luck in all your endeavors.
I knew this was coming, so I had "Here I Go Again On My Own" by Whitesnake cued up while I read your last post. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't make me tear up just a little bit.
Thanks for last couple of years Dave, reading your blog got me back into comics after about a ten year absence. Wait, maybe I should be cursing you instead. Good luck with everything and I'm looking forward to your new blog. I'm sure you will bring the awesomeness.
Thanks for everything man. Your stuff was a big part of my return to blogging after a long break. You take care and best wishes
F%$# NO! Noooo...
Now where will I turn for my afternoon lols? No one is as airwolf as you Dave; I will miss you so.
Congratulations on turning this blogging thing into a lucrative and glamorous career. Best of luck with the ABC blog.
Thanks, Dave! You had a REMARkable run!
And now we have to go on without your blog?
The League of Melbotis salutes you and your efforts. Dave's Long Box will be missed, but we're glad to know that Dave Campbell, the man, lives on.
Best of luck to you, and thanks for so many amazing posts.
Viva El Long Box!
Bonne chance et bon voyage, Dave!
May as well say it now that it's too late:
You're fired, Campbell.
That, and, your blog was the first to make me go out and buy a comic book that I never suspected I'd dream of purchasing, let alone actually invest in -- BRAVE AND THE BOLD #166. For $5!!! I printed up your writeup and put it in the sleeve. Fans of DLB could do worse than to follow my example. Let me make it easier for (you'll have to find the five bucks on your own):
Nice knowing you, sir. Even though we never, y'know, knew. Each other.
I know this is all a fake-out to boost sales and get you on the Colbert Report, but I'm still really looking forward to your "return from the dead" when you reappear to blindside Sims just when all hope seems lost. Like all of a sudden this one entry disappears and we're all like in that one panel from "Born Again" that goes "there was no corpse...there was no corpse."
Dear Dave,
I will crack open my copy of STAR TREK: THE WRATH OF KHAN and watch it in your honor.
Your pal,
Sucks to hear that, Dave, but thank you for the many posts and the many, many laughs. Good luck with the ABC blog and whatever else you have coming out in the future!
and another blog goes down on the anals of history... I wrote that wrong. Thanks for the enjoyable read.
I will continue on The Boob War without you.
Thanks, Dave!
I'll keep it short.
Much love for all the great posts over the years. You always kept it super fresh.
You will be missed, severely.
Thanks for the fun, Dave
Well, I just want to wish you the best and say that I've always enjoyed DLB (and VM!)
I came for the review of NFL Superpro, and never ever looked back.
This is so not Airwolf.
I feel safe just saying thanks, considering that gets me nowhere near a hug, let alone a french kiss.
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
We'll miss you. Your blog was awesome.
Thanks Dave - I've really enjoyed this blog. Looking forward to what you come up with next. Good Luck!
Dave, I just wanted to say thank you for the countless hours of entertainment you have provided me with ever since I accidentally stumbled across your blog by typing "Power Girl's Boobs" into Google.
Aw-I'm really going to miss the Long Box! Get your new blog up fast!
!!!!!!!!!THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!
Be well, good sir!
I'll miss the blog, sir. One of the best. Any person that gives us Airwolf as an adjective deserves a place in the blogging pantheon!
Aw, nuts.
Good luck!
This is sad in the way that the last issue of HITMAN was sad--well, it would be if Dave and Chris Sims were going out like Tommy and Natt did, anyway. Okay, bad analogy, but the name of that last story arc was "Closing Time" too, which is what reminded me.
The loss of Boob War is making me a little misty, though. But wherever huge gravity-defying bosoms gather, there will always be an element of Boob War. Well, two elements, really.
Okay, I better just let Nick Fury do the talking for me. But good luck wherever your road takes you, Dave.
(Getting mentioned in the Paragraph O' Mentions was definitely Airwolf, though.)
Thanks for the laughs, the great posts, the Boob War, and for keeping comics fun. As they should damn well be.
You deserve a full Thor Corps Salute for your good works.
What does one pour onto the curb when a beloved blog passes into The Great Beyond?
Mountain Dew?
We'll mourn ya 'til we join ya, DLB.
Alas alas, one of the good 'uns goes down... I admit I haven't been following the ABC blog much (about all I watch is LOST) but looking forward to your new per-blog (um, that's personal-blog, not pervert-blog).
Man, thank you... I hate you so much for stopping this. You've been my meaning of life since i've discovered Kung fu. And Airwolf. And Sex.
Your french fan.
Thanks for the all good times.
Who're you again?
Thanks for the genesis, the fount, some say the spring of my interest in all things comic-blog.
There will never be a funnier post than "Thor: Smack Talker".
The very best of British luck for the future, dear sir.
Thanks for making me laugh like a mental case for so long.
Thanks for the great fun, Dave!
Thanks for all the laughs, Dave!
Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.
See you soon, Dave. It was better than fun. Thanks for keeping us company for these three years.
Now I have to work when I'm at work. Shit.
Adios, Dave, and thanks for the fun writing about the crappy comic you bought in the 1990s. All the best.
Oops, I meant 'crappy comics' - the blog wouldn't have lasted as long if it was just one book you were enthusing over ...
DLB will be missed. Nice touch with the Chris Sims blog link.... I just have to shake my fist at you because of it.
You had an excellent blog here, Dave, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. And thanks for Boob War, Airwolf, and Power Girls.
'Tis a sorrowful heaviness that
has been laid upon my heart by
the closing of The Long Box...
Thank you Mr. Campbell for the
many hours of enjoyment you have
brought to me with your humorous
and insightful musings on Comics.
I wish you all the best with
your new blog.
Oh, just great. Now I'll have to depend on Sims, Bully and Scipio for my morning bufoonery. On the other hand, you DID mention my name. Don't think I wasn't looking.
And you gave me Guy Gardner week, and we'll always have that.
Heh. He mentioned you twice, SallyP. I think he's sweet on you. But then, who wouldn't be?
Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything (everything, everything) I'd like to be. I can fly higher than an eeeeee-guuuuul. You are the wind beneath my wings.
Get that song out of your head while I go enjoy the DLB archives.
Thanks for all the laughs!
Thanks for all the laughs... you will be missed.
wait, what? He isn't dead? Oh. nevermind...
Longbox will be missed!
Good night, sweet prince!
Okay, the day I get misty-eyed over a blog closing is the day I hang up my spurs or gloves or skates or whatever the metaphor is!
The crown weighs heavy on he who holds the hot dog
It's just like the end of Uncanny X-Men 138, and how Cyclops was never seen again. Hang on a minute... anyway, thanks for the good times Dave, and I look forward to your next venture.
The Internet will miss this blog. There aren't nearly enough comics blogs where people *enjoy* the comics they talk about, you know?
OH man!!! Well, I look forward to the new blog. Please tell me that you're going to keep this one up so random google searchers can still learn about the wonders of Thor and Airwolf.
Totally Caddyshack II
totally stinks. Dave your blog has been my favorite. Thanks also for the times you've emailed me cool suggestions of things to do in Seattle when I went up there to visit.
Please, please tell us all that the archives aren't going anywhere.
Well...the boxes are long, but never long enough.
Aloha oe, aloha oe, until we meeeet again.
Oh damn this is my fault and making you liveblog Dancing with the Stars...
Well, guess I am done with all things comic book for a second time.
Bye Dave,
Stay Airwolf.
This is a sad day. Thanks for all the years of great blogging!
So long Deve, thanks for the memories! Just remember, Ernie Cline got his script turned into a feature.
Dave! I will miss your Long Box adventures greatly. Thanks for rocking!
Good night, sweet prince...
I loved this blog way before Newsweek did.
You know what?
To hell with ABC.com. To hell with them.
Farewell, Mentok the Mind Taker. Drop some occasional, sly references in your other blogs. Or don't.
you'll be back. You can't stay away forever.
Dave...DAVE!... DAVE!!!!!
(If this was an Italian funeral, SOMEONE wearing a black shawl would have hurled themselves into the grave with the coffin by now.)
I have no words to express my thanks for the
MULTITUDES of laughs you have provided,
the MANY newly-coined additions to the internet-lexicon of words and phrases,
the HANDFUL cute doodles you have scrawled for our enjoyment,
the FEW tears you have pulled from my eyes...
and the ONE glorious shared love of all-things COMICS.
You may be leaving this blog, but you shall ALWAYS be remembered.
EVERY time I see one of my own LONGBOXES, they shall bear your memory and name.
ESPECIALLY the ones FILLED to bursting with gloriously AWFUL comics.
My thanks to you good sir.
My thanks and appreciation.
And my thanks for the mention.
I can only hope that even ONE of my comments has presented you with a modicum of entertainment that you have provided us over the years.
Goodbye...for now.
Man, this is worse than the third time Jean Grey died.
I was debating writing this; I'd like to say thanks, but this makes comment number fourteen and now, if I've read the rules right, I'm going to have to fend of an amorous French-kissing Dave!
I'm really sorry to see the Long Box go, Dave. For quite a while there, you were easily the high-light of my internet-comic based reading. (which sound a bit like faint praise but i mean it in a good way!)
All the best for the future and thanks so much for all your DLB hilarity.
This is a sad day...
For the love of Blastaar, NO!
Who's going to tell us what a pain in the ass the Bat-mobile is, that Thor is not only the greater smack-talker of all but also does a great Cher impression, that Moby Dick is the wrong whale to fuck with, that Kobra only takesss honey?
You know this is cold, don't you? KOBRA KOLD, even.
Thanks for all the laughs, Dave. We'll always have the archives.
Crap. "The greatest smack-talker", the greatest, it is.
Thor is to smack-talking what DLB has been to humorous comics blogging.
Hahaha good April Fool's
*checks date*
Hail Thor!
why you no post, Dave Campbell?
I'll keep a lookout for your new blog, as I while away the hours with a stack of Mike Deodato Jr. comics. Thanks for the silliness.
I shall miss thee, O Box of Longness. Thanks for all the laughs, Dave. And the mention.
I think it's a good sign that this thread got more replies than the "I dropped my CD player in the toilet" thread. Just sayin'.
ABC's gain is our loss.
Best of luck to you in your future endeavors and thanks for all the laughs, coined phrases, bored-at-work-doodles, and fun features like yo ur2006 election special.
You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sir, have been a scholar and a gentleman, and your bloggings will be missed. Good luck on your new projects, I'll be sure to check them out!
i'll miss this blog. brought back a lot of memories, and almost made it feel okay to be a post-teenager who likes comic books. never could get into your nemesis' blog, or really any of the others, however, so it looks like its time for me to move on as well. best wishes.
I am saddened. Like I guess everyone else here, this was the first comic book blog I found, and was mostly responsible for getting me back into reading them, after a 20-odd year hiatus.
The termination of it will not, however, stop me from using the phrase "why you no post for long time, Dave Campbell?" around the house, as is my wont.
well held, sir. cheers for doing what you did. best of british luck with you.
Before scrolling the post down all the way, I thought, "Dang, first Flair retires and now Dave's Long Box closes."
Thanks for all the entertainment and best of luck on all the other stuff you work on these days.
What's the complete opposite of Airwolf? Herbie the Love Bug? This is SO Herbie.
Thanks for the run, Dave. It was fun while it lasted.
P.S.- I want my Boob War II.
Until you're resurrected, replaced by a younger clone/ cylon/ skrull, or snagged from the space/time continuum to repair a rift in the blogosphere, safe travels.
Good hunting.
Ha! The Invincible Super Blog is linked to some Rick Astley video on Youtube.
You'll be missed Dave. I don't leave a lot of comments so I don't get that 10-second french kiss, but I do read you're blog everytime there's an update.
I would be honored to be included in your link list.
Comics blog, updates daily.
Thanks for all the laughs, man. You rule.
We want Dave! We want Dave! We want Dave!
"oreja y rabo" for you mr.Campbell.
This was one of the best blogs i've ever read. everything you wrote was extremely funny, yet consistent. i hope you reconsider 'cause you might as well throw us a bone or two once every-while...
ps: funny thing. this is my first comment in the two years i've been reading your blog...hehehe..XD
say it aint so, dave!
Mostly, I'm pissed at ABC, because (sorry, Dave) the only show that is even worth watching is Lost. Everything else, and I DO MEAN EVERYTHING, on the network is bollocks. I don't even read that many comics, but this site was funny as hell to read.
Personally, I'm never going to read Chris Sims site, anyway.
God, this is lame.
1st post ever here but...Damn u r closing???!!! I have been promoting you to every comic book lover i know! Well, thanks for the memories, Dave; your entries have kept me sane in the monotony of the workplace and many a times have I struggled not to LOL in my cubicle. Cheers!
Loh (from Singapore)
What a Spring it's been so far. First Ric Flair retires. Then Dave's Long Box goes into retirement. Thanks for all the comics memories, Dave. And for Smack-talking Thor.
See you at your next web-project, dude. Or when I see you. Whichever comes first.
Read it, loved it, will miss it.
How hard does the closing of Dave's Long Box hit me? Like approximately .39 ounces of copper-jacketed DEATH, my friends.
I'll miss your amazing Thor tributes and great life comments. I'm glad you're not gone from the blogs for good.
Enjoy your family & new job time.
Dave, have you seen this: http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=156482
It will be interesting to see how it compares with your election post from a few years ago. You already have Green Arrow pegged correctly, from what I remember
I met a traveller from an antique land who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command tell that its sculptor well those passions read which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.
Dave! Say it ain't so! Where are we to get our periodic dose of periodical critiques?!?
I'm going to miss your humor and informative opinion on a topic few take seriously.
fantastic , I love your blog !
Thanks for the all good times.
Can't believe I find a great blog then find the blogger has stopped! Its a sad day dave...
トイザらス オンライン
Keep up the great work. I love all the blog mashups.
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