I have sung the man's praises before, but I would be remiss if I let Star Trek, er, Week pass without mentioning artist Jerome Moore's fantastic covers.
More than once I have been persuaded into buying a Star Trek comic I might not normally get because of Moore's deft line work. And when I finished reading the hypothetical comic I would say, "That sucked!" But I still had that awesome cover, and nobody could take that away from me. Without getting stabbed anyway.
So here are a few moore covers (Did you catch that? That was a hilarious pun, FYI.) as well as some inked cover art that I stole from Moore's deviantART site.

Mmm... Suzy Plakson... If Moore would just draw me a Dr. Selar cover, I could die happy.

Tiny Chekov is trying to grab a little Vulcan boob. Naughty Tiny Chekov!
Cover for a Picard/Q slashfic, "We'll Always Have Paris... In the Butt."

"Spock... multiple Kirks... explain."
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