This has nothing to do with comics, but holy shit! Look at the freaky-ass monkey!
This is a baby Aye-Aye Monkey, a type of lemur native to Madagascar. They're endangered due to habitat loss and because some locals believe that Aye-Ayes are harbingers of death, like little monkey banshees - so naturally they kill the little guys.
It looks like an evil little Gelfling to me.
oops thought you meant geldofling
Yeah... the Aye-Ayes are generally considered the freakiest of all monkeys. To put it scientifically. :-p
Kind of an outdated response, but for what it's worth, an aye-aye isn't a monkey. It's a prosimian, like lemurs and lorises.
It's the ugly offspring of Man-Bat!
I think that it's rather cute! XD
Dear Sir
You provided me with the best lols of the week, or even maybe of the month. I thank and hail you for that.
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