Like a lot of actors, James Remar picks up the occasional voice acting gig for animated projects. Remar enjoys the variety and change of pace that voice acting offers, but has been somewhat dismissive of animated programs in the past.
"They're basically for kids and stoners," Remar told Wizard magazine. "I mean, who watches cartoons? Little fuckin' kids and dopers, that's who. What magazine did you say you were from again?"*
James Remar has played Black Mask in the animated series The Batman.

*Oh, and I'm totally lying about that Wizard quote. James Remar loves cartoons. Really.
All this love for The Remar, but no mention of The Phantom?!? For shame, Dave Campbell. For shame. Dude killed The Ghost Who Walks! Give it up!
Yeah, couldn't find any good pictures of The Remar from The Phantom. :( You'd think there would be 100 fan sites dedicated to the movie, but no.
wow, what an elaborate April fool's gag, Dave. More content in 1 day than the entire month of February, wish it was April 1st allll year ;)
He was the voice of all of the Manhunters in Justice League. "No man escapes the Manhunters!"
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