I thought
THIS was the funniest thing I've seen all week, and I watched Penn Jilette on
Dancing with the Stars this week. I recommend turning up your speakers to maximum volume before visiting this site - particularly if you're at work!

Oh, YTMND, what pleasure you have given me over the years. I only hope I can pull you from a flaming car accident to return the favor.
Thanks to King Superbad himself,
Dusty Abell, for the heads-up.
O. M. F. G.
I think I may have just seen one of the greatest things in the history of things.
Flawless Victory. That's fucking brilliant--just the fact that somebody would even think of doing that amazes me. And Donald Gibb gives it two arms up.
What is Mr. Abell doing with himself these days? I used to be a HUGE fan of his work...and I'm not seeing it anymore.
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