Next week I begin working for my new Corporate Overlords, ABC television, and let me tell you, I'm pretty darn excited about the whole thing. I will be the resident blogger at ABC.com, commenting on ABC's prime-time programming on a little blog-within-a-huge-website called "Live from L.A." I'll post a link on the sidebar when the blog formally launches next week.
FAQ time!
FAQ time!
Q: "Why is it called 'Live from L.A.', Dave? Don't you live in Seattle?"
A: Yes, but the servers are located in L.A. Okay, the servers are located in Burbank. Actually, I have no clue where the servers are located - they won't tell me. Besides, I could get fired at a moment's notice and be replaced by somebody from Nova Scotia, so ABC is playing it safe. Nobody wants to read a blog called "Live from Bainbridge Island" anyway.
Q: "Have you sold out, Dave?"
A: Yes, happily. Next question.
Q: "They're going to fire you, aren't they?"
A: After reading this, probably.
A: Yes, happily. Next question.
Q: "They're going to fire you, aren't they?"
A: After reading this, probably.
Q: "Are you shutting down Dave's Long Box?"
A: No, I'll still be updating Dave's Long Box every two months or so just like I'm doing now. Ha! My Corporate Masters have agreed to let me keep blogging, but since Disney owns ABC, I have to go back and retroactively edit all profanity and references to Power Girl. Ha ha! I kid. I can write whatever the heck I want, darn it. I have agreed not to appear nude on DLB, however.
Q: "Will they let you write whatever you want, or are you just a P.R. shill for The Man?"
A: I'm pretty much just a P.R. shill for The Man, yes. Actually, they've given me a free hand to write whatever I want pretty much, which includes being a smart ass. However, I unconditionally love every show on ABC already, so I see no problems. Why yes, I AM a huge Desperate Housewives fan - thank you for asking.
Q: "How did you get the job?"
A: I'm not sure, I think they have me confused with somebody else. They keep asking me to sing "Mack the Knife" so they may think I am this guy.
Q: "Who is going to win Dance War?"
A: Please. Bruno all the way.
Congrats Dave, you sell-out! ;)
Whaaat? Bruno suxxit, Dave. Carrie Ann all the way!
Congratulations. I have been reading your blog for months and I've enjoyed every post (and cried when none appeared). You are a superb writer and I guess I'll have to check out the abc websiter now.
Once again thanks for this hilarious blog and congrats.
Gigantic congratulations! Been foloowing your blog from the beginning and its about damn time you got recognised for your talent!! Good on ya!
"I have agreed not to appear nude on DLB, however."
Well, there's still hope for Sims...
I look forward to you writing a self-help book. Potential working title: "How to Sell Out, the Dave Campbell Way!" You could use your comic knowledge to ape those old books from Marvel about drawing. I'm very eager to emulate your success. Though, I dream of selling out longer and harder than you ever will, coming from the internet generation as I do.
I thought your dayjob was some sort of lawyerish/accountingish job, how do you get to jump to mainstream TV world?
Ah, anyway, well done, hopefully you can sneak a couple of Airwolf (was that on ABC?) on your new gig.
Just don't leave us Longbox readers out in the cold...
Yes! Airwolf on ABC next fall!!!! Do it Dave!
Congrats, oh he of the Long Box.
Congratulations buddy. If you can bring one eighth of teh funnayz that you make here to your day job then thie site will be made of purest win 24/7
Congrats to Dave!
So when you say they'll let you write what you want, can you talk about how some ABC TV show "grabs your shit" and drop the occasional, well-placed F-bomb? Can you somehow get yourself added to write about ABC Saturday AM cartoons, too? Where you'll talk about how they "grab your shit," too? Who I gotta write to get that to happen?
Word confirmation is "jetow," which is what Superman said when he flew into Metropolis Airport airspace in response to a runaway plane.
Congrats Dave, I'm so glad it worked out! Can't wait to read the new stuff!
Awesome. Congrats Dave!
ABC is lucky to have you.
Glad to see you're still trying to 'bring the system down from within'
That's not selling out, that's cashing in!
Good work.
I look forward to your inevitable turn as a red carpet reporter on some awards show.
Take that Billy Bush!
Did you quit your day job, or are you blogging for ABC and still doing your day job?
ABC is my day job now, yes. I have the occasional freelance writing gigs on the side, but I'm going to devote my time and energy to ABC.
Congrats, David!
They made a great choice!
Dave Campbell and Boston Legal are now on the same network! Let the good times roll!
Well done!
Incidentally, being as I'm from Nova Scotia, where should I send my resume?
Just in case.
Congrats Dave!
Congratulations, Dave, you deserve it. Now, let's hope you keep a better schedule on ABC than this blog ... :)
All the best.
"Who is going to win 'Dance War?'"
Dave, nobody wins Dance Wars. There are only losers.
My father wakes up every night screaming, flashing back to the Battle of Frug Valley, where he lost his left arm. He was one of the lucky ones; his brother Bobby died that day, one of the many thousands of brave young men and women who perished in that syncopated tragedy.
Do not glorify the horrors of Dance Wars. Rather, mourn for the victims of poor choreography and those destroyed by "jazz hands."
ABC should be ashamed of itself. The series should be cancelled and replaced with reruns of "AFV," so we can enjoy the sight of old men getting hit in the balls.
The F&%K YEAH Files: Ugly Betty Edition?
Good luck and have fun!
I understand, Harvey. My dad lost his rhythmn at the second Battle of the Watusi. As long as we don't forget what they sacrificed, perhaps their losses will not have been in vain.
BTW use this logo (corporate standards and all)...
"I have agreed not to appear nude on DLB, however.
So it's a big win for everyone.
That said, there's a big loophole, in that this presumably wouldn't prevent you from posting your face photoshopped on the nude body of Ron Jeremy.
The F&%K YEAH Files: Ugly Betty Edition?
Dude, Salma Hayek's been on that show. We're talking
BOOB WAR Files: Ugly Betty Edition
Done, Ted!
"I'll still be updating Dave's Long Box every two months or so just like I'm doing now."
Every 2 MONTHS? Please tell me you actually mean "weeks", or better yet, "days".
Dave! I've been lurking for quite a while now(going on about a year and a half by my count). I've got to say I was fairly content with not commmenting, but this my friend is a momumental moment in the continuity of The Longbox.
But with out further ado, Congrats, I look forward to your continued posts here at the Longbox and now from ABC as well.
PS. Sims is probably seething.
Dave! I've been lurking for quite a while now(going on about a year and a half by my count). I've got to say I was fairly content with not commenting, but this my friend is a momumental moment in the continuity of The Longbox.
So with out further ado, Congrats, I look forward to your continued posts here at the Longbox and now at ABC as well.
PS. Sims is probably seething.
So you've taken a job to be a blogger for ABC's primetime lineup?
During a writers strike?
God help you, man.
congrats on the writing gig!
Congrats on the gig! You gotta link?
So...blogging is an actual profession now? Good God! What's wrong with the world?!
I for one welcome our new corporate overlords!
word verification: hbume, which immediately made me think of Heywood Jablomi, which should tell you something right there.
P.S. Congratulations!
Well, that other Campbell does have better hair...
Congrats from me, too. Yet another step on the road to becoming an enduring cultural icon.
Hey Dave,I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and just wanted to say congrats on the new job! Bad for us, since we get less posts, but it IS a paying gig...
Good Luck!
Hey Dave congrats, I'm praying that some corporation will someday notice my little blog and pay me money for writing. Oh the sweet promise of doing what I love for a living.
Congrats to you, sir! Your writing is amazing and I'm happy to know more people will be exposed to it.
As a newly minted comics blogger, I hereby plan to steal your brilliant steps to media domination for my own personal gain.
1. Find old comics from my long boxes.
2. Review them wittily, add scans.
3. ???
4. PROFIT from TV blogging
And my Word Verification word is cnycncw - clearly a forecast of my future success blogging in New York City for The CW network. Oh . . . oh, God. That means I'm going to have to watch the CW now. Damn you, Dave Campbell! *shakes fist*
you sold out to the man, man! I envy your success good sir
Congratulations, DC! You've come a long way from the days of the Fisher-Price "My First Forklift" at that inbred company where we once worked.
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Congratulation to David!
nice work you have done!
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