You ever have a friend who is just... different when he/she drinks? I'm not saying that Jim Kirk has a problem, it's just that I get uncomfortable around him when he drinks. So do my dogs.
Dave's Long Box reader Meng Mantasoot inspired this post when he coined the term "The Bill Shatner Beer Face" which is best described by Meng in his own words (or he'll sue me):
"... [it is] a Shatner Acting Technique™ I've dubbed The Bill Shatner BeerFace™, whereby Shatner acts as he has either never tasted alcohol before or that it is of some unbelievable proof and potency as to cause him to wince, then grimace, then look at the glass to make sure it's the same beverage he was sure he poured into the glass. Works with beer, wine, liquor, Romulan Ale, Saurian Brandy and even plain old water. He basically does it when drinking any beverage..."

First, first, first!! hahhahahah all you non Long Box lovers suffer the ignom.. ignomin.. suffer the indignity. hahhahahahah
The Kirk bitter beer face, not to be confused with the feared Kirk gas face.
I'm sure the down-n-outs of the 25 century appreciate the fact that Night Train survived the spirit wars of 2098
What is this Dave? One of those Star Trek time warps? One day no updated posts, then the next four days worth?
Dave? Dave? What are you doing Dave?
Hey?!!? Are there in 2001 Space Odyssey comics?
word verification "legzp" a dreaded/adored Deltan orgy maneuver.
glad to see The Beer Face is getting some much deserved press. forgot to mention there's a "pudding variant" to the BSBF also...
Get on board for the Night Train!
Silver Satin or Thunderbird is next
To be sung like Mike Nelson trying to sound like John Carradine:
"Drink Night Train
Go to the basketball game
Throw up under the bleachers"
MST3K, how I miss you.
Drinking it hard and
drinking it fast
Making that tasty Romulan ale last!
Beer face ...
to the end.
Are you sure that last one is Night Train and not some futuristic space bong?
You left out The Eeevil Kirk quote: "BRANDY!"
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In my opinion everybody must go through it.
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