Not too long ago I wrote a post about
Guy Gardner: Warrior #42, the wacky gender-bending issue where Guy becomes... can it be?... GAL Gardner!!!
It is a breathtakingly stupid comic that deserves mention here during Guy Gardner Week. Click on the title above and experience the magic.
This was the best issue of Warrior...EVER! Bwhahahahaha! Yes, the art is excruciating, but the concept was pure gold. C'mon, Guy wakes up as a woman! He has to do a fashion show for Dementor,
(and I LOVED the french maid outfit). He ends up being rescued by not one, but two women! And...(my favorite) as a woman, he is actually wearing MORE clothes than as a man! Woohoo!
Heh. Going back for a stroll down memory lane in the comments section and I see that Beau Smith himself left a comment. You gotta tell us these things!
Dave, you inspired me to finish off my latest "these old comics are awesome" writeup and amazingly enough, it's all about Guy Gardner having fun at other people's expense. Admittedly, he doesn't turn into a woman but hey, there's a big purple dinosaur smashing stuff up and some random potshots at Dan Didio. Can't say fairer than that.
I just picked this up in the FLCS' discount bin!
Ahhh... the recycled post.
The Comic-blog equivalent to a reprint issue.
You're just durned lucky it's a GREAT blog-issue.
Guy (or Gal) is actually pretty hot in that issue. Should I be worried that I said that?
Man, if I may suggest something, you should definitively write for your Dude looks like a Lady week about Lobo in his issue where he's changed to a woman:-)
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