I can't remember where I stole this picture of Sanrio Vader from. CBR, maybe?
Earthrace, a 78-foot space boat that runs on bio-diesel. That's a Washington State Ferry in the background, my commuting vehicle of choice.
Thus ends this non-post.
I can't remember where I stole this picture of Sanrio Vader from. CBR, maybe?
Earthrace, a 78-foot space boat that runs on bio-diesel. That's a Washington State Ferry in the background, my commuting vehicle of choice.
Thus ends this non-post.
Dave, these pictures are not lame. They are blowing my mind with their awesomeness.
I read a Goegraphic article once about some nutjobs that were trying to set up eco-tourism in the Peruvian rainforest. The guides had grteat stories abvout the "chanchos" (local name for the peccariess). Seems a friend of theirs was out hunting and shot one. This angered the other peccaries. He tried to climb up a tree but they caught him first. His friends found him later "in pieces. Many, mnay pieces." Those peccaries!
It's SPEAK! The Tick's dog!!!! (he was a peccary, right?)
I know three seperate people who, after shooting a feral pig, were run up trees by the rest of the feral pigs in the little group of feral pigs. I have no idea what you'd call a group of feral pigs, and that shames me. Nevertheless, I have it on good authority from folks who shoot wild and/or feral pigs as part of their recreation that it's a very, very bad idea to irritate pigs in large groups.
I would make a cheap joke at the expense of the police force, but I think we're beyond all that.
I sat in a corner and cried because I was looking forward to a real post.
Oh, here comes GREGGERY,
The nocturnal gregarious
Wild swine
A peccary
Is a little pig
With a white collar
That usually hangs around
Between Texas and Paraguay
Sometimes ranging as far
west as Catalina
Catalina, Catalina, Catalina!
...oh, god, political spam. You thought it couldn't get worse.
That said, Sanrio Vader's awesomeness makes up for it.
Dave, even when officially off-duty, you are a genius. Feel better soon, dude.
Word Verification: kicish
The sound people make when Hello Vader force chokes them to death.
I love the pink vader.
I hope Dave breaks out of his state of being bummed out.
Man, I love that pink vader.
Dude. Happy Pink Vader!
I, too am hoping that Dave feels better soon.
In the spirit of "Alternate Reality Where Everybody Dies Week", wouldn't have been funny if there'd been a "What If" for the Squadron Supreme, and in it, everybody lived?
My word verification's edroc. Which settles it, Ed Roc's gonna be my name should I ever become a rapper.
If you think Hello Vader is bad, you should check out Dark Horse's Star Wars: Infinities books for an all-white 'Light Side' Vader. Crazy.
Also, Hasbro put out an all-red 'Holiday Vader' action figure for Christmas last year. I wish I was making this up.
Earthrace, a 78-foot space boat...
You mean that baby can fly in outer space as well as on water? Kewl.
Peccaries are the coolest. I love their dainty little feeties.
Sanrio Vaider kicks much ass.
That is all.
Sanrio Vader sounds like the most awesome luchadore name ever.
LOVE that girly Darth Vader.
"Come to the pink side!"
And, for the love of manga, this is a COMIC blog,and there's political spam.
When will it eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend???
Word verification: xwlbyfqu
That sounds like the name of superhero.
Maybe King Arthur's son? It DOES sound a bit like exalibaur...How do you spell that?
The Ticks dog was a capaburro. I have a fine knowledge of all things Tick. BTW, I was in Seattle last weekend and I didnt think to look up dave in the phone book.
Next time dave, next time...
Space boat? I missed the space boat. That's awesome. SPAAAAAACE BOOOAAAAT!
A billion voices laughed and went silent. I swear Vader has never looked scarier.
The real question should be 'does barbecue peccary taste like chicken?'
"The Ticks dog was a capaburro."
Close. Speak, the Tick's Furry Moist Avenger, was a capybara, notable as a species for being the world's largest rodent. There is even a site half-dedicated to capybaras at www.capybara.com, which has enough pictures and info about 3-foot-long, 100+ pound mustached rodents to easily bring Dave out of his funk. Unless he's freaked out by honkin' big rodents.
My brother owns a capybara leather jacket, which is waterproof because capybaras are semi-aquatic creatures.
Hey, would you rather I babble about poorly thought-out conspiracy theories instead? At least there's KIND OF a comic book connection in here somewhere...
XDXDXDXDXD oh shit sanrio vader!!!!i wish my friends could see this!!
Spaceboat. The crime-fighting boat...
So, which film was Hello Vader from?
"Star Pride"?
"Queer Eye for the Sith Guy"?
"Interior Designs of the Jedi"?
(I bet the Death Star would look AWESOME in the last one. With curtains adorning every entryway and mosiac tile walkways in pastel earth-tones. Just to die for!)
Earthrace the Space Boat is pretty rockin'. Shit, Dave, I hope you're not bummed because you have to take the ferry to work instead of Earthrace the Space Boat.
More superhero teams need futuristic boats as their headquarters. At least one. Fuck the satellite, the JLA ought to be in a space boat. Then they can hang out with Aquaman a lot more.
"Spaceboat. The crime-fighting boat... "
There' always an inlet or a fjord or ...
Check out my AWESOME blog:
Sometimes one must rest on one's Laurels of All Awesome Daveness. We understand.
Wow 33 comments and all you did was post some random pictures. Makes all the work you did for the other posts seem a bit wasted eh?
My blogs better www.supersexypictures.blogspot.com
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! its a pink darth vader!!!!! how unatural? how blasphemous? sacriledge! desicration!
Space Boat -- the Crime Solving Boat.
No comment for you! Too bummed out cuz my girlfriend dumped me!
(Actually, I do have a comment. The pictures weren't all that lame; in fact, they kinda passed for interesting -- can you tell I'm having a blah kinda day??)
Don't forget my frined, a picture is worth a thousand words...and you picked some great pics.
Thank you for a non-post better than most.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown
nice pictures ;)
glad to see some funny ones again...
rick (photographer)
nice blog!
I took the liberty of linking it in mine. Hope it's OK.
Cool pics!
Check out my blogs:
The peccary is a regular at Krispy Kreme, surely.
Love the photoshop Hello Kitty Vader. I've seen it pop up around the net. Have you seen the real pink Vaderette who showed up at Comicon?
Shame there is no update, I don't even read comics but I've really grown accustomed to visiting this site daily.
~ J. Tithonus Pednaud
Purveyor of Peculiar Physical Phenomena and Puzzling Prodigies of the Past. www.thehumanmarvels.com
#45 comment:
Nice blog...and i'm thinking
that Ms. Vader would look pretty good with darth..like a "USE THE FORCE"dating service...i dont know where i'm going with this....
Awesome Vader suit.
Cliche comment of the day.
Dave, we're getting worried about you. Anything we can help with?
Vader looked good
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