While digging through my boxes trying to find Suicide Squad #23 (Where are you, SS #23? Why do you hide from me?) I found Aquaman #6, with a bitchin' cover by Mike Mignola. This is what I'm talking about when I say that Mignola draws superheroes with barrel torsos. The monstrous Kirby villains on the cover are The Deep Six, Darkseid's rarely used aquatic strike force. I think they look keen.
The Deep Six really are perfect for Mignola's style.
All the Fourth World stuff is, really.
Little Arthur looks like he has no waist at all! And does he have a hook for a hand these days? I thought he was still rockin' the 'intelligent water' prosthetic.
Maybe he wasn't allowed to take that onto the 'plane..
Aquaman #6 is dated February 95, thus still the hook.
Or indeed, the harpoon at this stage.
While, I loves me the Mignola, that Aquaman looks more Crustacian than Man.
You are what you eat?
I pants look hiked up a little too far as well.
It's always strange seeing Mignola doing anything that isn't supposed to be drenched in shadows.
I used to hate this cover but now I love it.
I remember really liking Mignola's mid-80's alpha flight run. Not that I don't like his more recent stuff, but back then he hadn't become quite so, er, stylized?
This cover was one of the best of that run imo:
keep up the good werk, Dave
Apokolips has a need for an aquatic strike force?
This is why you alphabetize your comics, sir. What kind of filing system do you have, you nut?
Darkseid is paranoid (but then, people really are out to get him), so Apokolips maintains the means to attack via any conceivable environment. No matter how unlikely, or even disgusting. If you think the Deep Six are a stretch of the imagination, you should see the Septic Seven.
I agree with sanctumsanctorumcomix and jon the intergalactic gladiator. And yes, way too much barrel-chested.
He looks like a badly-created action figure. Or one of those action figures that aren't supposed to look like the 'real' (comic-book/movie/TV show/etc.) thing.
It could be in it's own series called 'Barrel-Chested Superheroes'. Batman and Superman(with their muscle-drawings and all) would look hilarious. Think LEGO Batman, but a barrel for his chest instead of a brick.
Man, that was random...............
I don't like Mignola's style. Looks flat and unnatural. It feels like watching one of those educational programmes for kiddies.
I, on the other hand, think it's awesome. It's not supposed to be realistic.
Yes! First!!!! Woo-hooo! Read it and weep suckers! FIRRRRRST!
Mignola also did the honors on the Fourth World crossover COSMIC ODYSSEY. It has its flaws as a story, but the art- DAMN.
If they ever do a NEW GODS movie, Mignola should be the Production Designer.
While I don't usually have much of a problem with Mignola's art, Aquaman here looked to me at first like the top half of his body had been grafted onto the bottom half of a Dalek or something...it doesn't help that his legs are dark on a darkish background and sort of bent back.
Well the Aquatic Strike Force must be one of those teams that just sits around talking about how much action they get or could get, but never actually do. Kinda like a bunch of guys I know.
Anybody remember that random issue of X-Force that was half Rob Liefeld and half Mike Mignola? I loved the contrast there.
How do you pronounce "Mignola"? I instinctively want to pronounce it "my-NO-la", but that's probably wrong.
It's probably an Italian surname. If pronounced with italian phonetic rules, one should read the "gn" like the spanish "n with tilde" (can't find the character in the keyboard).
Evan- they did a New Gods movie.
It was called 'Masters of the Universe', and starred Dolph Lundgren as He-Man.
Argh, can't believe I'm paraphrasing John Byrne.
litle mother fucke, ME ELIMINASTE¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ JODETE
After Aquaman defeated the Deep Six, he hiked his pants up around his armpits and played some shuffleboard down at the Shady Pines retirement center.
Greg wrote:
This is why you alphabetize your comics, sir. What kind of filing system do you have, you nut?
Aw, dude, cut him some slack. IIRC, Suicide Squad #23 is the first appearance of Oracle and it's hard to find anywhere.
Someone probably snuck into Dave's house and stole it.
Or he left in on the sofa and his mom did What Moms Do.
Could be anything.
Well, the Deep Six have incredible genetic engineering skills; in their first appearence, they created a mammoth sea monster to disrupt international shipping.
They also killed the New Genesis Sea God.
Honestly, this is another of the many many reasons I don't like seeing The Fourth world show up in mainstream DC continuity; Orion killed the Deep Six during their first appearence (In New Gods #2, apparently), in one of the most effective and intense issues of that era.
In terms of mainstream superhero books, it may well be my favorite single issue of all time.
Bringing the bastards back just comepletely cheapens that first story.
Confirmation Word: girhk, the lost memeber of the Deep Six.
don't forget dark horse presents # 107, The King of Neptune
I read really much useful data here!
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