Here's an image from a big anti-terrorism drill in South Korea, where a mock terrorist busts a move on a pair of police officers. This particular drill simulates what happens when chic kung fu hitmen jump out of nowhere and start beating the shit out of you.
Tomorrow: the best post EVER.
The guy on the left used to work for Mr. Magoo.
Of course it's realistic! Haven't you been paying attention to your popular culture, which clearly states that all Chinese, Japanes and Korean people are deadly martial arts masters?
I mean, they wouldn't be able to put this stuff ontv if it wasn't true.
Best post ever ... Yeah. We'll see. I read something about somebody going stabby a while ago that begs to differ, but I'll hear you out.
For those of you who miss the Boob War...under those shirts...Boobs.
I read something about somebody going stabby a while ago that begs to differ, but I'll hear you out.
I thought Tim was going to sell "I go stabby" shirts--did I miss my chance to buy one?
So for this they stopped the Gamera drills?
Dude, I've had STabby t-shirts on sale on my sidebar for months! No one pays attention, I tell ya...
Sign in word is "wuouob", a noise that strangely fits into the Boob War theme.
Seven comments in and no-one saw fit to point out how well-endowed the guy on the right is?
Ten will get you a hundred that there's a panel that looks just like this picture somewhere in one of Warren Ellis' comics.
Dude, I've had STabby t-shirts on sale on my sidebar for months! No one pays attention, I tell ya
Ah come on, Tim--I was AWOL from netlife for about 9 months...how was I to know?
well I'll be--right there in the sidebar in big bright red letter too. I must be going blind or something.
Wasn't it originally "I make stabby"? Aren't the t-shirts a horrible example of historical revisionism? Why am I talking about this here?
DESPERATELY looking forward to the best post EVER, man...
Okay. I, too, am looking forward to experiencing the best post ever, but here 's my attempt at the best off-topic blog comment ever...
The english wikipedia's today's main article is about a Scientology doctrine: Space opera in Scientology doctrine
In Scientology doctrine, space opera was the term used by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard to describe extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly affairs. It forms a major element of the beliefs of Scientology. Hubbard claimed that the modern-day science fiction genre of space opera is merely an unconscious recollection of real events from millions of years ago.
Xenu's victims were transported in interstellar space planes which looked exactly like Douglas DC-8s
Xenu's victims were transported in interstellar space planes which looked exactly like Douglas DC-8s
Scientology's doctrines famously include the story of Xenu, the ruler of the Galactic Confederacy who brought billions of frozen people to Earth 75 million years ago, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. However, Xenu is only one small (though important) element of Scientologists' beliefs in alien civilizations. Such beliefs have existed in Scientology since its beginning, with Hubbard writing and lecturing about civilizations such as Helatrobus, the Espinol Confederacy and Arslycus in the 1950s and Xenu's Galactic Confederacy in the 1960s. He described repeated instances of them using brainwashing implants on hapless beings. He also spoke of alien invasions of Earth, such as that carried out around 6235 BC by the Fifth Invader Force, who were "very strange insect-like creature[s] with unthinkably horrible hands."
O-kay, guys. And there is a photo of a plane, as "Xenu's victims were transported in interstellar space planes which looked exactly like Douglas DC-8s".
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It can't have effect in fact, that is exactly what I suppose.
steel buildings
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