Monday, December 24, 2007

I come from the land of the ice and snow... to destroy your website

THIS is the coolest thing ever. Or at least, the coolest thing I've seen today.

Net Disaster has a new Led Zeppelin option that allows you to crash giant rock and roll dirigibles into your favorite or most hated website.

Sometimes I love the Internet.

Thanks to Ragnell for pointing this out.

(I'm only a week behind with my posting! I will catch up with Real Time - this I swear!)


Ryan said...

so wait...

what does this have to do with Star Trek?

No, seriously though, that is a neat new addition to netdisaster.

Pierre-Luc Gagné said...

Star Trek weekS comes to a grinding halt as Dave's attention is diverted to the latest web 2.0 craze.

David Campbell said...

You are correct, Monsieur!

Metz77 said...

Oh damn, I've caught up. Now I have to wait for Dave to come back.

Great blog, though, I've really been enjoying it. You, Chris Sims, and Scott of Polite Dissent are starting to get me into comics and I'm enjoying every minute.

Anonymous said...

By the Hoary Hosts that's a disappointment.

When I saw your screen capture, I naturally assumed that Thor was the one knocking holes in your website with his enchanted hammer. When I checked out the link, I found a pretty lame cartoony thing I've seen before.

Maybe it's not as lame as I believe it to be, but after expecting to see Thor smashing up my computer screen, not even my vast list of bookmarked pornography can assuage me.

Anonymous said...

Pierre-Luc Gagné said...
Star Trek weekS comes to a grinding halt as Dave's attention is diverted to the latest web 2.0 craze.

Nah, Dave is just demonstrating how the Lightspeed Breakaway Factor can be used to change subject matter. (Well, that sounds more Roddenberry-ish than "going massively off-topic just to blow shit up.")

And the Zeppelin Option is pretty damn cool. But Scott's Thor Option would rule, especially if it had John Workman sound effects like SHRAKADOOOOOOM!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Standard deviations, you should check out Dave's Velvet Marauder blog, which is sadly dormant. :< It'll take you a day or two to get through that one, and its good readin'.

Unknown said...

Doesn't work for me. the zeppelins just crash into a blank white background.

Besides, the Internets have ruined me. I can't hear Immigrant Song anymore without thinking of the Viking Kittens.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Watch Shrek 3, Garth. There's a pretty funny use of the Immigrant Song in it, unfortunately it segues immediately into Fergie's version of Barracuda.

Cool site.

Tyler said...

Who is going to leave the "Why you no post, Dave Campbell" comment? Because, seriously Dave, we're all waiting for something new.

Unknown said...

Why you no post, Dave Campbell?

word verification: "iriyeh": the mating call of the asgardian valkiryes.

Anonymous said...

Do you know "Nodame Cantabile"?

That is one of popular manga in Japan.

Please try to read it.

Anonymous said...

Why you no post, Dave Campbell?

Unknown said...

yhw uoy on tsop Evad Llebpmac?

Unknown said...

Why post you not? Dave Campbell?

Anonymous said...

So, when are you gonna change the site name to "Dave's Long Time Between Posting Box"?

Anonymous said...

Forsooth! Why dost thou not post, David son of Campbell?

Anonymous said...

Love the site and have been through all the archives, I need more posts.

What am I supposed to do all day? Work?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I heard that you were feeling ill,
headache, fever, and a chill.
I came to help restore your pluck!
'cause I'm the nurse who likes to...

Metz77 said...


Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Dave recently? Dave, are you all right? Blink twice if you are being threatened and need help but cannot verbalize it.

Chris said...

Donde estas, David?

Metz77 said...

Well Chris Sims said he was sick, so I expect that's why we've got no posts.

On the bright side, this is becoming the longest theme week yet.

Anonymous said...

Well, it could be worse.

Anonymous said...

I bet he read OMD and decided to shun comics forever.

Khairul H. said...

See? Now you're getting Chinese spammers!

Chris said...

Led Zeppelin not only destroyed Dave's website, they destroyed Dave!! Damn you Jimmy Page!!! Damn youuuuuuuuu!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

借錢 票貼 借錢 借貸 借貸 借錢 當舖 借貸 當舖 當舖 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 票貼 二胎 週轉 融資 借錢 借款 當舖 二胎 票貼 借貸 借錢 借貸 票貼 當舖黃頁 借錢黃頁 貼現黃頁 借錢黃頁 借貸黃頁 借貸黃頁 當舖黃頁 貼現黃頁 票貼黃頁 二胎黃頁 融資黃頁 借錢 借貸 票貼 借貸 票貼 借錢優質黃頁 借貸優質黃頁 票貼黃頁 借錢 當舖 票貼 借錢 借貸 借款 貼現 貼現 當舖聯盟網 當舖聯盟網 當舖聯盟網 借錢 票貼 借貸 當舖 票貼 借貸 借錢 當舖聯盟網 當舖聯盟網 網站分類 網站搜索 網站搜尋 網站黃頁 網站名錄 網址目錄 directory 網站登錄 網站目錄 交換連結 台灣網站指南 網站指南 借錢 借錢 借貸 借貸 票貼 借款 借貸 借貸 借錢 借貸 借錢

Anonymous said...


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