It's not unusual it happens every day
no matter what you say
you find it happens all the time
love will never do what you want it to
why can't this crazy love be mine
-Tom Jones
"It's Not Unusual"
Help me out here, people.
Some background: I still haven't gone digital. Instead of an MP3 player, I lug a cheap-ass disc player to work.
This morning I was on my way to work on the safe and efficient Washington State Ferry service and I had to go to the bathroom. Not to put too fine of a poitn on it, but I had to go #2. This is a relevant detail, I'm not telling you this to be gross or to conjure up an unwelcome mental image.
Anyway, I set the Discman behind me on the toilet and kept the headphones on, listening to Tom Jones as I did my business. There's nothing like a little Tom Jones in the john. Try it some time.
Anyway, when I had completed the transaction, I stood up - and the headphone chord yanked my disc player off the back of the toilet and right into the toilet bowl - before I had flushed, if you know what I mean. I screamed an obscenity, undoubtedly frightening the guy in the stall next to me, and quickly plunged my hand into the feculent water to fish out the now ruined and stinky Discman. I had to toss away the entire thing, disc and all, and wash my hands like, seven times. I don't know if I can ever listen to Tom Jones again.
I've been discussing this incident with anyone who will listen and I've gotten mixed responses:
a) Why are you telling me this? Get away from me, I don't even know you.
b) You should get an MP3 player, you're much less likely to drop it in the toilet.
c) Good thing it was just a cheap disc player - just think if that was an expensive iPod.
d) You put your hand in the toilet?
I ask you: what is the answer? Replace my disc player with another cheap disc player and be more careful around toilets in the future, or go digital and get a tiny little MP3 player that will fit in my pocket? I need your guidance, O Dave's Long Box reader.

You just presented my nightmare scenario right there. I highly recommend an MP3 player. Frankly, I don't know how I survived without one. All those albums, in such a small package. And it fits in your pocket with no skipping. Golden.
The iPod Shuffle has limited memory space, but does have a handy little clip with which you can affix it to your clothing. That clip could save your life.
Soup sent me this and I have an answer for you.
I say cheap ass MP3 player.. it will fit in your pocket.. and you need never sully it with potty germs.
Dave, first off I love your blog! Like you, I resisted getting a MP3 player until about 6 months ago, and now I don't know what I'd do without it. Having all that music in one place helped me to discover some long forgotten gems in my music collection.
Buy as big a capacity iPod as you can afford (buy less and you'll regret it). Also buy a waterproof holder for it for the next time.
(don't buy the shuffle, or any player where you can't see/select easily - they're just annoying)
F iPod, Dave. But the thing with the MP3 is a big time investment getting your cd's formatted to stick on the player. Ripping is time consuming if you have a ton of music, or expensive if you're not a music thief. I have one, and spent two weekends ripping all the music I have, but now it's good times, so I would say do it if you have a little time to chip away at your cd collection.
And Dave, never put your hand in a public toilet. Only at home is it OK.
Buy an iPod. While the odds are almost infinitesimal that you would drop another disc player into a toilet, you can fit more music on an iPod. More diversity for all the awkward circumstances you need music for.
Get the iPod, and keep it in your pants pocket while on the pot.
The thing is, you can get a Sony discman for like $20. Drop as many of them in the toilet as you like. Sure, they are a little more of a pain. But if you're prone to toilet dumping things, cheap is better. Even these cheap ass mp3 players everyone mentions are routinely $100. And like everyone is saying, unless you spend like $350, you can't pick what songs you play or there isn't much room on the things. I keep wanting to buy an iPod, but when I do the math, it's just not that big of a pain to carry around CDs. God help me, I think you were a nice guy to stick your hand in there because, well, the other option was to completely fuck up the toilet and make some poor clean-up sap have to fish that thing out of there.
One thing about the iPod Shuffle is that it is light enough that it will not fall off your headphones if you let it dangle, meaning it shouldn't fall in the toilet unless you drop it in; so if that's your primary concern, something at least in the same weight range would be wise.
You put your hand in the toilet?
First of all, Tom Jones belongs in a toilet, so that worked out well.
Second, I would go with the mp3 player. Small enough to fit in your pocket and lessening the chance for dropping it into undesirable places and room for much more music than a cd.
It's all wins, baby!
Why would you fish a CD player out of a toilet? It's going to be dead by the time you get it. Just leave it.
Sure, some janitor(with rubber gloves) would have to pick it up, but it'd be something interesting to tell his buddies about.
I don't have an MP3 player, but I do know people who've lost cellphones down toilets. If you're willing to stick your hand in dirty water, a discman has the agvantage of not flushing down. An ipod would probably get sucked right down the U-bend.
I would say that you should buy the biggest, bestest iPod that your wallet can afford. In fact, you should treat it like a house purchase and buy a little bit more than you think you can afford because you'll find you'll grow into the bigger model eventually. And then you should apply the same logic to buy a Mac, too, because iTunes and the iTunes music store is MUCH MUCH better on a Mac than on a crappy PC. The fact that I am an Apple stockholder has ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING on my telling you this. None. Honest. Would I lie?
Seriously, the other benefit of an MP3 player over a CD player of any kind is that the biggest CD can only hold about 70 minutes of music, while the smallest MP3 players can hold hours, if not days, of music. That means you can be on the can a lot longer before you have to listen to the same song twice.
OK, SERIOUSLY seriously, I would go with an MP3 player of some kind 'cuz it'll remove the hard task of "What CD's do I bring with me to work today?" and the resulting weight to lug the CDs back and forth. It also eliminates the ever-present problem of having a hankering for Johnny Cash or Ray Charles or whoever, only to discover that you didn't bring that CD that day.
My iPod Nano is light enough that it just dangles from the end of the headphone cord where I otherwise would have dropped it, for what that's worth (a lot, to me).
Dave, I'd vote for an MP3 player, myself. Sure, you'd spend a bit more than if you stuck with a cheap CD player, but think of the coin you'd save on batteries, man.
Dave, man - you put your hand in a shitty toilet to pull out a disc player that you knew was ruined? What were you planning to do, give it CPR or something? "You've never given up on anything in your life, Discman - now FIGHT!!!"
This story is very gross.
Heed the advice of the others and buy something tiny that can fit in your shirt pocket.
a man who is willing to use a public restroom, and stick his hand inside of one for a "cheap-ass disc player" will not live long enough to enjoy an mp3 player.
buy another discman, you turd-wrangling public bowl-surfer.
If you're using a non-Mac computer and don't want to buy music online with i-tunes, I recomend the Creative Zen V with a lot of memory. It's small, intuitive to use, and plays the radio.
bfnh., I disagree. It's only the people that don't worry about every goddamn little thing that aren't going to die of (a.) the next superbug or (b.) a stress-related heart failure.
BTW, a refurb 2 gig Nano is $80 from Apple's store. I find 2 gig ample, personally.
Why are you telling me this? Get away from me, I don't even know you.
Go to, they have MP3 players for sale in various sizes and prices about every other week. They fit in your pocket, and if you happened to drop one in the toilet, just forget it and get another.
In times of trouble and uncertainty, it's important to ask yourself, "What Would Deathstroke Do?" Probably kill a bunch of people and break some stuff--but he wouldn't be cheap about it. Life is cheap, like a CD player, but Deathstroke is expensive. This is Deathstroke's opinion of your CD player.
Get an iPod shuffle. It'll change your life and, in your case, prevent significant risk of a pink eye infection.
Also? Gross.
{ k }
Thanks for the laughs. This just made my day, Dave. Remind me not to shake your hand :grin:
Oh, God. You HAVE to get another disc player, just on the of chance that this could actually happen again and provide me with another BWAHAHA moment!
Rather than an iPod, I'd go for a Dell DJ Jukebox, if they're still being made. I have one from a few years ago that still isn't anywhere near full, and those things are built like tanks. I don't even know how many times I've dropped it, only for it to be totally fine, although none of those times happened near a toilet. The DJ may not be all fancy-pants like an iPod, but it works great, is nigh indestructible, and doesn't require the hated iTunes (instead it has a very easy drag-and-drop system that works just like windows explorer).
Even if you don't go with the DJ, I'd get an mp3 player.
Also, I agree with what reid said: has mp3 players up all the time; in fact, I believe they have a 30 gig Zune up for just 85 bucks today, although I'm not too hot on Zunes. Anyway, just keep checking that place out every day, and before long they should have more mp3 players up for dirt cheap.
Deathstroke the TerminatAAAH, won't put his hands in poo. LOOK OUT!
Everyday I go about the world with (at least):
790+ Record Albums
20+ Audiobooks
5+ Feature Films
20+ Television Episodes
And they all fit into my pants pocket.
Know this, once you bring an iPod into your life, there's no going back. You fool yourself into thinking you own it, but it really owns you. And you'll never be happier.
Dave, you crack me up.
What? That really happened?
I have to go with the MP3 player, but it will probably be full of lead since it'll come from China.
That toilet thing comes in handy when you need a new cell phone and you still have insurance on it. Not that I would do anything like that ...
Get an MP3 player, and keep it in your shirt pocket. Much less easier to drop.
Minimize risk; don't listen to music near a toilet.
Also: Get an iPod. It's neat, big, good and since it's a major company, if you do drop it in a toilet, you can get a new one with the basic warranty.
a word on mp3 in the top pocket -- it is in your best interest to bend at the knee while trying to pick your pants up off the ground, a full waist bend can cause a hefty device to slide out of your pocket, bounce off the public pee stained floor, underneath the stall of the door and into the awaiting hands of the next person in line.
not that, like, i have any experience with anything like that, y'know?
I'd advise an iPod with a belt clip, like I have. I'm uncomfortable with the "stick it in a shirt pocket" approach, partly because I often wear shirts without pockets, and partly because I think the only slightly-secured nature of a pocket could lead to "repeat performances" of this mishap.
OTOH, I don't believe I've ever actually tried using my belt clip whilst performing Numero Dos, and I'm not sure the headphone cord would be the right length.
Dave, when you write...
still haven't gone digital're actually wrong - if you have a CD player, you've gone digital already. Information in CDs is in zeroes and ones, as opposed to 8 tracks or cassettes, which are indeed analogic and...
...and I'll just go away now.
This has been very educational. Thank you everyone!
It wasn't the headphones.
Your CD player leapt to its death, took its own life.
It was the Tom Jones that did it.
Small or big, it doesn't matter. The bog ate my sister's iPod and I lost my mobile phone to the dreaded public toilet. The worst thing is the failed rescue. You've got a disgusting hand, a non-working electronic good, and for what?
Have any of you guys heard of soap? Brand new thing. Cleans your hands right up, no matter where you put them.
Dave, until about a month ago I had been carrying around a CD player walking from class to class at the big at UVA campus, surrounded by people with iPods and shit, and had done the CD player thing for some four years before that... so, speaking out of experience... you're going to be putting that mp3 player in your pocket, right? so when you drop your pants you're still gonna have that cord dangling all over the place. If you want my advice, sing on the pot, don't listen to music. CD players are still the shit. Keeps you on your toes. Whatever you put in that baby is what you're going to listen to ALL DAY. MP3 players have made me weak...
get a cheap-ass off-brand mp3 player. it's cheap. convert your cds to mp3s. it's really cheap. mp3s are the future. it's so cheap you can drop it in the toilet on the ferry and pick up another one just like it at the snack bar before you get off the boat.
An Mp3 player can fit in your shirt pocket.
The iPod nano is light enough that it will not usually detach from your headphones when dropped. It needs some serious acceleration to do so. 9.8m/s^2 just isn't enough. Heck, you could toss (not throw) it across the room, and it'd remain attached to the headset.
But you should spend some money (usually no more than a reasonable $15) on a G-shock case for it. These are made of lightweight, yet impact absorbing, rubber. That way, when you invariably drop your new iPod (this will happen much more often than you'd normally be comfortable with), it won't incur any serious damage.
Plus, the iPod is lightweight enough that it won't hit the ground as hard as a CD player would.
Not sure about a toilet bowl, though.
And until reading jonhendry's comment, I hadn't laughed out loud in quite some time, so thanks dude.
Get an ipod shuffle and clip it to your collar. Even if it comes off it's so light that it will dangle from the ear buds and not fall.
Jonhendry for the win!
I would go with an mp3 player myself as you can stick in your breast pocket when you need to (you don't have to keep there all the time).
Actually, mp3 players are cheap enough that you can buy a decent one and a cheap Discman without breaking the bank.
So I guess my answer is buy both but be careful.
I'm amused by the amount of people who are assuming that you'll probably drop whatever you buy in the toilet again.
Sticking your hand in butterscotch goo, just to retrieve a $19 discman. Is this too much information? I think it is.
Whenever we first meet.
I will not shake your hand.
Good lord.
Buy another Discman toiletman.
For being toiletman you do not earn an iPod or am MP3 player.
Your Chuck Norris-like reflexes have betrayed you, I fear, as you plunged your hands into the cauldron of poo a la Iron Fist. I have to tell you that you have lived my nightmare scenario. I won't mess with anything while I'm in the stall. All things are stored - wallet, phone, MP3 player, security badge - while I take care of business, so that I may avoid this happenstance. Not to rub it in, but it is time to change your stall policies.
Couldn't you have pulled the discman out by the cord?
An observation: a record player (LP) wouldn't even fit in the toilet.
The Mikey method: Don't carry anything. Just remember the songs you want to hear.
It's almost impossible for your memory to go down the toilet. Unless you're running DC's Infinite Crisis concordance.
Dave- jesus christ, get an mp3 player.
the purchase will be impossible to regret.
6 gigs max, got it!!!
Go with the MP3 player Dave. You can clip it on your pocket so it fall off :)
Man ... :-)
Obviously Dave, the choice is "None of the Above". If you MUST listen to music in a bathroom, for heaven's sake, bring one of those ginormous Boom Boxes, that weigh about 20 pounds. It may be a little large to cart around, BUT it is too large to fit in a toilet.
And it's so "retro" looking.
I have One of these, which uses one AAA battery, and gives you 2 gigs of space and about 24 hours of play time, all for 30 bucks.
I also have blackjack cellphone which has bluetooth. Costs about $80 with contract with AT&T, and about $20-$30 for a set of bluetooth earphones. The plus with the phone is that it can pipe music through my car's stereo too via bluetooth.
Screw technology. Hire a mariachi band to follow you around.
Best bet, just wear a diaper.
And since you've obviously got no problems touching poop, you can get a few cloth ones and just wash them out, thusly saving the eco-system AND your bankbook.
That was awesome. It really made me laugh. Do it again!
Amazing how many readers come out of the woodwork when poo is involved. Nicely done Mr. 'Slongbox.h
Dave, one thing to consider is the quality of the music you listen to. If you like CDs because of the quality than you would need to leave them in an uncompressed format in order to maintain that quality. 1 CD is around 700MB or .7 GB. It doesn't take long to fill up a <30GB player.
Get an 80G iPod classic, and put it in your shirt pocket. Your entire music collection, including Tom Jones, will fit on it. Put it on shuffle, and you will wonder what took you so friggin' long to make the jump to digital.
And the correct answer is "d." Yuck.
"Hire a mariachi band to follow you around."
Yeah, but what do you do when they jump in the toilet 'cause you made them play Tom Jones?
Then you're really stuck. Also, INS hassles.
"If you like CDs because of the quality than you would need to leave them in an uncompressed format in order to maintain that quality."
Dude. Tom Jones.
Quality, sonic or otherwise, is clearly not the issue.
Ipod! I converted DVDs movies into an ipod-viewable format. (There are a ton of programs that do it.) So now rather than just listening to music on the metro, I catch up on my tv viewing as well. A twenty-minute tv show, after removal of commercials, fits my commute perfectly.
e. You listen to music in the bathroom?
Dave, get an mp3 player. You won't regret it. Music, TV, movies, podcasts, games, calendar, data storage all in one little device--it's great. Just PLEASE get a clip for it--don't keep it in any pocket.
That's exactly how I lost my Astonishing X-Men: Gifted trade...
And get an MP3 player.
I would go with the MP3 player simply because of the variety ( get the biggest one you can get, at least the 80 gig) and the hassle-free transportation( i've done the CD's and CD player thing and I fear ever going back).
But don't think you will be completely safe. I've heard plenty of stories of people dropping their IPODs into toilets. Not to long ago the bathrooms on campus were out because somebody had flushed their nano and plugged up the pipes. Although, I most people have said that they were able to get their pods to work again. Gross.
why the title is off-topic? i really think puting your hand in a public toilet could be considered part of terror week
That's easy. Get an MP3 player. But like one of the commenters said, it'll be too much work if you'll be switching to digital. So, I dunno. Anyhoo, you put your hand in the toilet?
It amuses me no end that this topic has garnered far more responses than any of your recent, less feces-oriented posts.
I made the switch from a shoebox filled with audio cassettes to an iPod shuffle this year. I totally skipped over the discman phase of music storage. I love the portability and storage space of the iPod, but I do miss seeing look on on the faces of people younger than 30 when they saw my shoebox filled with audio cassettes. It was like I was churning butter or cooking my food over a bonfire.
Don't buy an iPod. Buy a Zune. It's on sale right now at 30 GB for really cheap!
It's brown though so if it ever falls in the toilet again, you'll never find it.
PNB Dave said...
It amuses me no end that this topic has garnered far more responses than any of your recent, less feces-oriented posts.
It makes sense when you think about it, though: Not everybody can relate to an individual issue of a comic, but everyone can relate to accidentally dropping something in the toilet. Poo is universal. Either that, or we just have the mentality of 4th-graders. Take your pick.
Hello Dave!
You have a block in your toilet.
Get a tiny MP3 player. You'll never go back to the disc player again.
I find myself amused by all of the OMG YOU STUCK YOUR HAND IN POO? posts. Clearly most of you are not yet parents. Once you have spent a while changing baby diapers (as we know Dave has), or retrieving inappropriate objects tossed into the bowl by a toddler fascinated by the workings of the "bye-bye handle", the thought of reaching into a toilet loses some of its psychic heft. After a while it sounds like Just Another Weeknight.
I am ashamed to say that I have a nano and I have dropped it in the toilet as well. I listen to podcasts and books on tape while doing the duece! Once after cleanup and flush, thank god, I turned around to walk out of the bath room and the nano was on the counter and the cord whipped it around my body and plop, right in the bowl! I was pissed but it could have been much worse. It is now clean and still works great.
Piss on everybody ELSE's iPods, and then yours will always seem delightful by comparison! And if you drop yours in the toilet, nobody will know!
The perfect solution.
Dave march your butt down to Target or Wal-Mart find a cheap-o $30-50 MP3 player it may not have the size and storage of an iPOD, but if you're fairly happy with a CD Player where you're only getting maybe hmm 10-13 songs at a time, even a 512meg or 1gig player will more than do. I've got a couple of 64 meg players a 512 and a couple of SD card that go into my palm pilot or pocket pc and I'll have to admit, I really kinda like my cheapo $40 512 player, so what if I can't see a lot of info beyond artist and song title. It was only 40 bucks. If I lose it or its stolen it'll hurt but not nearly as much as an expensive and "theftable" iPod that screams "Steal me!"
Get a cheapie, if you find yourself needing more, then look at upgrades. Even some of the $70-80 ones are pretty capable nowadays.
Creative Zen Vision: M 60 GB for the win! It has more functions than the iPod.
iPods are overrated.
Being a neo-luddite myself. (I'm the only person I know without a cell phone. I'm lucky the computer I'm using isnt powered by steam.) I say buy the cheap discman. Sure the Ipod and what not are cool and handy. But they are expensive too. My recommendation. Big coat pockets. I you wear it, or hang it on hook on the door. (Assuming there is one.) Leaves hands free to take care of businesss. Also keeping the player from flushing doom.
Or course I do like this thought too,
"Kristin said...
Screw technology. Hire a mariachi band to follow you around."
Except I'd replace the mariachi band for a group of eastern european gypsies playing violin and accordian.
Man, I've come so close to having my glasses go in the bowl, so many times. It's always very exciting how I'll lash out to catch them or smack them away from the toilet just in time.
And everyone lay off Dave for doing the right thing- someone else would have to come in there and pontificate, is it right to leave a piece of obsolete technology under them? No. The only real danger is that the TJ mad beats might have made him tap his foot in such a fashion as to get one arrested in a Washington, DC airport, for soliciting relations.
Current gen iPod shuffle. They're not expensive, and you can clip the damn thing to your shirt. No headphone yank scenario presents itself.
I greatly enjoy my iPod.
My frugal choice before that, however, was a portable mp3 diskman.
You can burn mp3 disks that hold several albums worth of music.
Also, you can organize the tracks by album by putting them in distinct folders as you burn the disk. This way, you can skip ahead or backwards between folders or tracks within the folder that is currently playing.
Another plus: my car stereo can play mp3 disks.
is it a custom stereo? or is it standard on your car?
tell me about it!
my honda is supposed to be able to play mp3 discs, but it doesn't.
Whoa, let me get this straight. You can take your music with you? Like some sort of portable record playing contraption?
Don't that beat all.
(Sorry. . .uh, I vote Creative Zen Stone+ 2gig with keychain case)
"is it a custom stereo? or is it standard on your car?
tell me about it!
my honda is supposed to be able to play mp3 discs, but it doesn't."
It's a custom stereo (Sony CDX-GT200). I got one that Consumer Reports recommended.
It also has a line-in jack so that I can listen to my iPod.
I's go cheap ass all the way - but then again I have a toilet-music disability which means I can no longer go within fifty feet of a bathroom with any form of music player.
Just never buy a normal ipod. Time slows down quite interestingly when that falls into the bowl.
However, it does make fascinating fizzing sounds all night before the Apple logo dramatically fades from the screen. It was a thing of beauty.
So I got a nano, which rocks but is banned from all plumbing.
A fortnight ago or so, in the post devoted to the "flip test", Dave said that a comic had to "grab his shit". Now, he provides proof positive of the fact the this stage of projecting himself into the funny books is behind him, for good.
Good for you, Dave! Unlike some of us, you show you're an adult by grabbing your own shit.
Checking back on that thread, it turns out that the message was all about "GRIPPING MY (i.e. Dave`s) SHIT".
The point stands, though.
Word verification: etgwbzg. The sound one makes when gripping feces, boldly and fearlessly.
I'm organizing a committee to study the matter. We're planning to obtain a portable toilet so that we can re-enact the scenario using an MP3 player and a disc player. My money is on the MP3 player.
I must say that I just don't understand all the Tom Jones hate in these comments. Tom Jones is bad of ass and hard of core.
I would have rescued the CD, since you probably fished the player out anyway. CDs clean up easily. Just a little hot, soapy water would disinfect it.
A Tom Jones CD is no good thing to waste!
Personally an mp3 player is a must if you want to keep off drowsiness or boredom, which leads us to only the trusted names: iPod, iRiver, Creative Zen... waiting for me to say Zune? More of the best mp3 players out of 2007
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