I stumbled across
this excellent cover gallery of a pulp series called G-8 and His Battle Aces that ran from 1934 - 1944. I have never read a G-8 adventure but now I want to, if only to find out if they
really fight zombies pilots or flying Viking ghosts or if the covers are just heavily metaphorical.
Go check it out.

My favorite:
I have several of these, Dave.
You'd be a bit disappointed. There's a lot of Doc Savage Last Minute Reveals in there, making it occasionally a bit Scooby-Doo.
I like G-8. As the series goes on, it becomes more supernatural.
IIRC, G-8 and his buddies slaughtered so many Germans throughout the series that if you counted it up, it would probably have been more than the entire country's population multiple times over.
He and the Spider, those were some ruthless sumbitches!
OMG, there's even cavemen using tommy guns aboard biplanes! I'm sure Bendis could whip up a Doc Strange explanation for that.....!
The caveman is here: http://stahlmaske.home.att.net/3504.jpg
G-8 was like Doc Savage, except insane.
The premise was that the Germans were pulling out all the stops to win the war, and anything went. Robots, vampires, cavemen, Vikings, zombies, mad scientists, floating heads... you name it.
They're pulp, and the writing is about three cuts below Robert E. Howard. But they're damn lively, and they don't suck.
And yes -- the covers are accurate depictions of the contents.
You can pick up most of the books on eBay for about $10-20 each if you're not too picky about condition.
Doug M.
Holy Shit!
I never knew what awesome was until right now.
"Staffel of Floating Heads".
If there were ever a pulp-age property that needed revival, that is it.
Wow! It's like Commando Picture Library in teh Doom 3 universe!
I agree with Rachelle.
I, too, now know what awesome is.
The Spider pulps always had the best titles.
"Death Reign of the Vampire King!"
"The Pain Emperor!"
"The City of Flaming Shadows!"
"Death's Crimson Juggernaut!"
"The City That Paid to Die!"
Awww hell yeah. Now that, my brothers and sisters, is how you write motherfucking purple prose.
found this:
Haven't gone through it all, but apparently has lots of stuff about g-8.
Wow. I have never seen any of that stuff before. Dave, you just blew my mind in a thousand directions. Those stories look so far-fetched, I love it! That stuff was totally airwolf before we even knew what airwolf was!
Somebody should be convincing Fantagraphics to reprint these.
Even an art book of the covers.
Actually, someone has been reprinting them: http://www.adventurehouse.com/
Don't for get the one where he fought giant, sleep-gas breathing bats. Or leopard/man hybrids that jumped high enough to attack airmen in their staffels. Or novel after novel featuring themed squadrons of evil Germans.
Seriously, coolest !$ ever.
That. Is. The. Coolest. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Seen!!!
This is *exactly* how I would write Blackhawk.
Those look awesome. Thanks for bringing them up.
There was a shortlived comicd adaptation in the early nineties of these.
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