Here's a bonus panel from Justice League International that I forgot to include in a previous post. Clearly Batman could learn a thing or two from Superman about being a stone cold player.
IIRC, Green Flame there probably had an STD named after her based on the insinuations about her love life. Bats probably left his Bat-Jimmy Hat (Jimmy Bat?) back in the cave. Besides, as a wise man once said, "when you're playing in a one man band, no one gets hurt." I'm sure he beat the bat to Fire at some point. He just never mentioned it. He's a gentleman like that.
I read your dissertation on looking at Batman through Freud & Jungian perspectives, and if Batman has his anima completely repressed, he'd have no need for companionship since he's dedicated his life to fighting crime. That or he loves boys in little green underpants & domino masks (sorry, that was too much to pass up).
Maybe Batman is just picky. I'd have to say that Batman's millionaire playboy identity scores him way more women than Superman's dorky reporter identity. Batman did Kim Basinger both as Bruce and then again as Batman. (picture him stripped down to nothing but the cowl and utility boots)
Batman doesn't need her. He regularly does three women at a time, just to keep up his secret.
IIRC, Green Flame there probably had an STD named after her based on the insinuations about her love life. Bats probably left his Bat-Jimmy Hat (Jimmy Bat?) back in the cave. Besides, as a wise man once said, "when you're playing in a one man band, no one gets hurt." I'm sure he beat the bat to Fire at some point. He just never mentioned it. He's a gentleman like that.
ReplyDeleteI read your dissertation on looking at Batman through Freud & Jungian perspectives, and if Batman has his anima completely repressed, he'd have no need for companionship since he's dedicated his life to fighting crime. That or he loves boys in little green underpants & domino masks (sorry, that was too much to pass up).
ReplyDeleteI always loved that totally 80s hair on Bea.
ReplyDeleteI knew there was a hole in my repressed anima theory - damn it!
ReplyDeleteBatman and Green Flame got it on and produced Anima? Ewww now that series was like brushing with Preparation H...
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to see Greem Flame and Ice get it on.... BOW-CHICKA-BOW-WOW!!!!
This issue was pre-Invasion, so her power at the time was ... breathing green fire.
ReplyDeleteFolks, if that isn't a sign to say 'no way no play', I don't know what is.
Green Flame is hot!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Batman is just picky. I'd have to say that Batman's millionaire playboy identity scores him way more women than Superman's dorky reporter identity. Batman did Kim Basinger both as Bruce and then again as Batman. (picture him stripped down to nothing but the cowl and utility boots)
ReplyDeleteBatman doesn't need her. He regularly does three women at a time, just to keep up his secret.
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ReplyDeleteThis will not really work, I think like this.