I am stoked - stoked, I tell you - because once again I get to go to the San Diego Comic-Con this year.
I'll be there on Friday for sure and possibly Saturday, wading through hordes of unwashed Jedi and throwing elbows over the quarter boxes hunting for crappy back issues. I am going to just stand in the middle of the convention hall and close my eyes and breathe in a deep hit of fanboy B.O. and know that I am among my people. Then I will weep.
So say hello if you see me - I'm going to be wearing a Dave's Long Box T-shirt to - how you say? - to "pimp my site" and get the chicks.
first, you must unwash.
ReplyDeleteJust proves my theory: chicks dig stormtroopers
ReplyDeleteWell if we can arrange it, I'll buy you a beer, and we can have a nice long chat about proper storage of comic book long boxes...or not.
ReplyDeleteleftybrown at gmail dot com, drop me a line.
I wish I could get out there to fill in the holes in my Extreme Justice collection (j/k, kind of). Everyone out there on the Left Coast have twice as much fun for those of us stuck in the East. At least there will be a Wizard World Boston this year.
ReplyDeleteChicks dig a clone in uniform.
ReplyDeleteI hear chicks are really into guys who dress up like one of the zany cast of Red Dwarf.
ReplyDeleteWhat does a Dave's Long Box t-shirt look like (cool logo or sumthin?) and are they for sale?
ReplyDeleteyou lucky bastards, you...
ReplyDeletephotos from the event would be greatly appreciated
Hey, if you see it, pick up a copy of Walt Disney's Beaver Valley for me. (#625 of the True Life Adventures series if I'm not mistaken.) I'll pay twice the cost.
ReplyDeleteBeaver Valley - I am on it! Anything for the Master of Six-Gun Disaster.
ReplyDelete借錢 借貸 借貸 借錢 當舖 當舖 當舖 借錢 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 票貼 二胎 二胎指南 借貸 週轉 融資 借貸 借錢 借貸 票貼 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 當舖找星光 當舖找星光 票貼找星光 票貼找星光 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 融資sos995 票貼 借錢 借貸 票貼 借貸指南 借貸指南 當舖 票貼 借錢 借貸 借款 貼現 貼現 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 借錢 票貼 借貸 當舖 票貼 借貸 借錢 借貸指南 借貸指南 借貸指南 借錢 借貸 借貸 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 借貸 借錢 票貼 票貼 借貸指南 借貸指南 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 借貸指南 網站搜尋 網站名錄 網址目錄 directory 網站登錄 網站目錄 網站指南
ReplyDeletePretty effective info, thanks for the post.