Heads up, true believers! Flyin' old guy, coming through!
The Vulture is one of those villains that is so hopelessly outclassed by the hero that you wonder why they bother. The Vulture's powers are flight and baldness - that's it. I'll bet Spider-Man is psyched every time he gets to fight The Vulture; he can just kick the guy's ass and call it an early night, maybe go watch some TV or something.
I always thought that the Vulture looked like Mr. Burns in an ACME Bat-suit.
That's a weird image of the Vulture too. Doesn't look like the wizened old guy with the hook nose that it's supposed to. Looks more like bloody Luthor in a Vulture costume!
Oi, hold on, now! The Vulture-suit also ramps up his strength and agility and such. So he's, um, a stong, agile, flying ... old bald guy. Okay, that's still pretty lame.
I love the vulture--in the hands of the right writer he's an amazing character study--and that's been done a copule of times for some great comics.
(I'd have to go look them up for which SPidey series & issue#'s
There used to be a guy that lived across the street from me that sold whatever he could find in garbage out of his house that looked just like the Vulture.
It just shows your lack of imagination that you think an old bald guy that can fly can't be an interesting villain. It's a tribute to Stan Lee's creativity; he could've just made any guy in a flying suit; he chose an old, bitter and angry man driven to villainy, who should be retiring instead; that already makes him an interesting character! He also has enhanced strength, agility and (apparently) longevity). He's also a brilliant engineer to build the antigravity generator. It's not the "powers" that are important to a reader; it's how they're presented. That's why Vulture is a classy character. Sorry you can't see that...
Last seen being smothered by Spider-Man on his own request and then pussin' out and crying while soiling his bedpan.
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