Check this out. My pal Ed Liu sent in these pictures of a fast-food chain in China called "Zhen Gongfu" or "Real Kung-fu" - with Bruce Lee in Game of Death as its mascot. That beats Ronald McDonald hands down.
I want these to come to the States so I too can enjoy real Kung Food.
"Don't think - eat."
"You killed my Chef! I will avenge him! Your Lo Mein is no match for my Salt and Pepper Shrimp Style!"
Great. Now I'm picturing Bruce Lee with a clown shoe print on his chest instead of Kareem's footprint. Thanks, Dave.
They should make a movie about a kung fu clown. (Well, assuming that Hong Kong hasn't already. You never know.) He could team up with a kung fu Elvis impersonator to fight crime. And beat up mimes.
"You killed my Chef! I will avenge him! Your Lo Mein is no match for my Salt and Pepper Shrimp Style!"
I'd eat that for a dollar.
Great. Now I'm picturing Bruce Lee with a clown shoe print on his chest instead of Kareem's footprint. Thanks, Dave.
They should make a movie about a kung fu clown. (Well, assuming that Hong Kong hasn't already. You never know.) He could team up with a kung fu Elvis impersonator to fight crime. And beat up mimes.
hahah...that's so awesome. It'd be even more awesome if you had to battle your way from one level to another in order to complete your order!
"That beats Ronald McDonald hands down."
I dunno man. I've uncovered evidence that Ronald McDonald might be tougher than he looks.
I've heard their soup takes Bruce's philosophy of "Be water, my friend," a little too seriously.
Bruce is Da Man
Next up for the Real Kung Fu restaurant chain: Enter the Lawsuit
Cheng Cha Wong, remember your french fries!
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I believe one and all must glance at it.
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