Why you no post, David Campbell?
I am going through Hell Week here at work and can barely spare time to go poo, let alone do any blogging. Soon this week will be nothing but a foggy nightmare, a bitter memory, but for now this is The Week They Asked Too Much of Me And Nearly Broke My Soul. I will be able to resume my normal blogging duties after this corporate hazing has ended. Thanks for your patience.
For one glorious moment, I thought we were getting a week of Mephisto based jollity. Ah well.
Don't let your sinster besuited paymasters get you down.
It's more important for you to poo than to post. We can wait for your brilliance.
Make sure to wash your hands first, though.
Captain Janeway's "Year of Hell" only lasted two weeks, so we'll see you tomorrow, right?
I laugh every time you break out, "Why you no post, Dave Campbell?" Every. Single. Time.
I'm a boorish sycophant in that way.
Also, I'm against a Mephisto week, because any mention of him reminds me of Mockingbird's death. Almost 15 years later and I still haven't gotten over that.
Um, what is going on in that picture you used, Dave?
tim: "Um, what is going on in that picture you used, Dave?"
That is WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY, you salty swab! Now drop and gimme 50!
Watching recruits becoming SEALs or documentaries on being in Iraq is always a good way to put things into perspective during my assorted corporate Hell Weeks. Hope ya come out of this one OK, Dave!
You must poo, David Campbell! You must!
I don't have a noteworthy comment so I'd just like to say that my word verification was one letter away from being the G.O.A.T. - jaylz
Hope this week proves to be better.
All the best Dave - come back to the blog when it suits. Its not compulsory you know!
Songino said...
I laugh every time you break out, "Why you no post, Dave Campbell?" Every. Single. Time.
Personally, I always imagine those words being said by that Vietnamese hooker from Full Metal Jacket.
Why you no post, Dave Campbell?
Me love you looooong time!
Dave, if you can't post, then at least we have your comments section to read. And tell those corporate bastards that if they don't lighten up, you'll start writing one terrible joke for every seventy-five words in every corporate document from here on out. See how they like that ...
Word verification: mackusj—the name of the Velvet Marauder's alter ego in an "Elseworld" style story taking place in an alternate reality where bloggers ask questions in broken English and real men don't poo.
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