I like a good meme as much as the next guy, so here's my version of the Mad Thinker's incredible Predicto-Matic. He can see the future - and the past!!!
Jennifer Aniston finds true love at last? C'mon, that's WAY more unbelievable than an ape revolt or that vampire apocalypse.
Yeah, I agree with Dan on the Jennifer Anniston thing. But your Skynet prediction is funny as hell. *Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* My CPU is a nueral net processah, a learning computah.
Skynet did go on-line in 1997, however it wasn't y2k compliant so it crapped out three years later. Bizarrely, it rectified the issues with every other non-compliant system on-line at the time.
As for Jennie, there's a reason she keeps getting dumped. To paraphrase "behind the most perfect woman you'll find a man who's getting tired of her $#!+"
"The year is 1987 and NASA launches the last of America's deep space probes. In a freak mishap Ranger 3 and its pilot, Captain William 'Buck' Rogers, are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Buck Rogers to Earth 500 years later."
Hey, whatever happened to the Robinson family and Dr. Zachary Smith? They've been missing for nearly a decade. I mean, there's been no definitive proof the Jupiter 2 was destroyed, was there?
The Jupiter 2 and Robinson clan went thru a black-hole and emerged in a parallel universe wherein they took the form of bad TV and movie actors and it turned out that their entire lives were naught but a fevered dream of poor Hollywood writers.
They and their entire universe were destroyed when I used the DVD of their craptastic adventure as a clay pigeon at a skeet shoot.
Subsequently, in a freak coincidence, Matt LeBlanc hasn't been seen since.
I think my fav Buck Rogers was with Jack Palance playing (what else) a bad guy named ?Kohaven? god Palance was great, he would've been an ultimate Bond villian.
Dude, the Ape Revolt did happen back in '91. They took over Helena, Billings, and Bozeman. Think about it; when was the last time you met somebody from Montana?
Verification code: eyknqbnp, the battle cry of the Bitterroot Mountain Gorilla.
Jennifer Aniston finds true love at last? C'mon, that's WAY more unbelievable than an ape revolt or that vampire apocalypse.
Yeah, I agree with Dan on the Jennifer Anniston thing. But your Skynet prediction is funny as hell. *Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* My CPU is a nueral net processah, a learning computah.
Skynet did go on-line in 1997, however it wasn't y2k compliant so it crapped out three years later. Bizarrely, it rectified the issues with every other non-compliant system on-line at the time.
As for Jennie, there's a reason she keeps getting dumped. To paraphrase "behind the most perfect woman you'll find a man who's getting tired of her $#!+"
"The year is 1987 and NASA launches the last of America's deep space probes. In a freak mishap Ranger 3 and its pilot, Captain William 'Buck' Rogers, are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Buck Rogers to Earth 500 years later."
Yeah, that'll fit.
God, I loved that show so much.
Hey, whatever happened to the Robinson family and Dr. Zachary Smith? They've been missing for nearly a decade. I mean, there's been no definitive proof the Jupiter 2 was destroyed, was there?
The Jupiter 2 and Robinson clan went thru a black-hole and emerged in a parallel universe wherein they took the form of bad TV and movie actors and it turned out that their entire lives were naught but a fevered dream of poor Hollywood writers.
They and their entire universe were destroyed when I used the DVD of their craptastic adventure as a clay pigeon at a skeet shoot.
Subsequently, in a freak coincidence, Matt LeBlanc hasn't been seen since.
Dogs and cats living together?
Mass hysteria!
re: david campbell's "God, I loved that show so much."
I saw "Buck" (not to mention "Wilma," "Twiki," and "Hawk") at MegaCON, last year. He looked hella different.
Nice guy, though.
I think my fav Buck Rogers was with Jack Palance playing (what else) a bad guy named ?Kohaven? god Palance was great, he would've been an ultimate Bond villian.
I think Jack Palance is bad ass enough that he'd still make a kick ass Bond villain. You don't think a slight case of death would stop him, do you?
I am crackin' up at "a slight case of death."
The Space Vampire episode STILL freaks my shit out.
I loved Buck Rogers, too. I even just wrote a post about it here.
Dave, I think you'll enjoy this:
I work at a Best Buy in the Media department and today a lady was quite disappointed that we didn't have Airwolf Season One in stock.
Dude, the Ape Revolt did happen back in '91. They took over Helena, Billings, and Bozeman. Think about it; when was the last time you met somebody from Montana?
Verification code: eyknqbnp, the battle cry of the Bitterroot Mountain Gorilla.
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Quite useful material, much thanks for this article.
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