Instead of proper content, here's a page from my home made illustrated guide to the North Africa campaign in WWII. It's an M-3 Stuart, The Haunted Tank for reals!
These are amazing, Dave. Don't listen to the naysayers about Hiatus Week. You have the chops to do a professionally-published guide to WWII based on what I've seen here: clean and clear and instructional. Great work.
You're a great letterer Dave.
ReplyDeleteI like Hiatus Week. We get more content than Actual Blogging Week.
ReplyDeleteI kid because I love.
Between this post and the last one, you have officially become my favorite blogger.
ReplyDeleteRandal C. Jarrell
managing editor - Oni press
Tanks and war things ^_^ you are truely amazing Dave... of course.. comic reviews beat this.. but war things are a close second!
ReplyDeleteWho knew the Haunted Tank was capable of getting jiggy?
ReplyDeleteNeeds spinners.
ReplyDeleteWar is like, bad and stuff.
ReplyDeleteBut tanks are effin cool, man.
These are amazing, Dave. Don't listen to the naysayers about Hiatus Week. You have the chops to do a professionally-published guide to WWII based on what I've seen here: clean and clear and instructional. Great work.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the gay reckless laughing?
ReplyDeleteFinding out that you're on hiatus is a big downer for me; your's is the only blog that I read with any real regularity.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the hanunted tank ever squared off against the iron major?
ReplyDelete借錢 票貼 借錢 借貸 借貸 借錢 當舖 借貸 當舖 當舖 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 票貼 二胎 週轉 融資 借錢 借款 當舖 二胎 票貼 借貸 借錢 借貸 票貼 當舖黃頁 借錢黃頁 貼現黃頁 借錢黃頁 借貸黃頁 借貸黃頁 當舖黃頁 貼現黃頁 票貼黃頁 二胎黃頁 融資黃頁 借錢 借貸 票貼 借貸 借錢找星光 借貸找星光 票貼黃頁 借錢 當舖 票貼 借錢 借貸 借款 貼現 貼現