I love this, but I'm going to nitpick: there was no 4th New Zealand Division. The only NZ division to serve in WW2 was the 2nd NZ Division. Mind you, that division saw more action in more different theatres than any other Allied division - not bad for a bunch of guys wearing lemon squeezer hats!
I'm glad you dismissed the persistent urban legend that Gen. O'Connor had a Demon Sock Puppet guiding his actions.
Everybody really ought to know that it was his enchanted toe cheese that gave him his REAL marching orders, and most sources identify its power as Druidic.
The stories that O'Connor's grandson eventually grew up to become the Human Ton have never been conclusively proven.
Edward: The origins of that legend stem from the embarassing incident of the Internet sock puppet "DEMON15" talking about how great O'Connor was at NorthAfricanTheater.com.
I love this, but I'm going to nitpick: there was no 4th New Zealand Division. The only NZ division to serve in WW2 was the 2nd NZ Division. Mind you, that division saw more action in more different theatres than any other Allied division - not bad for a bunch of guys wearing lemon squeezer hats!
ReplyDeleteBlast! Thanks guys.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you dismissed the persistent urban legend that Gen. O'Connor had a Demon Sock Puppet guiding his actions.
ReplyDeleteEverybody really ought to know that it was his enchanted toe cheese that gave him his REAL marching orders, and most sources identify its power as Druidic.
The stories that O'Connor's grandson eventually grew up to become the Human Ton have never been conclusively proven.
Demon Sock Puppet: The Greatest Haunted Tank Story Never Told.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I say you should pitch a new HT series at DC, Dave.
Edward: The origins of that legend stem from the embarassing incident of the Internet sock puppet "DEMON15" talking about how great O'Connor was at NorthAfricanTheater.com.
ReplyDeleteWhy on earth haven't you published this yet? I think it's brilliant. I'd frankly be surprised if you couldn't find a market, or an agent, for it.
Wait! We've got page 8 and page 10 here but no page 9!?!
ReplyDeleteI wanna see the adventures of the Demon Sock Puppet versus Rommel!
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ReplyDeleteIt cannot succeed in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.
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