OK, I didn't do this one at work, I did it during my daily commute on the scenic and efficient
Washington State Ferries. Here's a cross-section adventure starring the Dark Knight himself. Follow the numbers as Lil' Batman tries to uncover the source of a deadly new drug hitting the streets of Gotham! What sinister old foe is behind this nefarious plot?
I love drawing these, because I am a geek and because I love Lil' Batman. Look at that spunky little fella, running around! He's so cute! I don't think I'm supposed to feel that way about Batman, but so be it.
Nice! But what happened to 10? We go from 9 to 11? I'm totally lost!
That's because this comic goes to 11.
bill: He goes up a flight of stairs to fight the ninjas, then ducks behind the huge visage of the mystery villain.
This so totally rocks. Either of the big two would do well to have these done for the relevant books.
And that's the most suggestive Lazarus Pit I've ever seen. It looks like Georgia O'Keeffe had a hand in the design.
Have you put in a call to the Bazooka Joe gum wrapper people yet David? I'd chew so much Goddamn gum if it were wrapped with stories as this.
And go blind trying to read the small print.
wow. i'm somewhat embarrassed that i shelled out for 12 months of the lee/loeb run, 'hush'. your strip was infinitely more entertaining, dave.
Ideally, it ends with the lower right hand panel showing young Bruce falling out of his bed and saying "Um! Er!" and his dad telling him he can't have so many tootsie rolls before going to bed.
The only thing that would make this better is if Dr. J showed up with some Hostess Fruit Pies™.
And thanks, Hiatus Week... I wasn't sure about this haircut. I thought she went a little too short this time.
I like how Batman is pointing at Ra's al Ghul - "you are going DOWN Lil' Ra's!"
Lil Ra's is all melty.
You know this would've taken Leob and Lee 4 issues with multi-covers (one holo-foil, I was such a sucker for holo-foil covers). And would still have been shipped late.
One whole issue would have been sset on the drug flash back of bruces parents. Then the last issue would reflect on the already over written history of Ras and Batman. One page of action between Bats and Ras. With Ras pulling a fast one and getting away scott free.
More li'l Batman please. Maybe a lil Doc Samson.
Also Read Chapter 8 of my Western serial, please.
So ... the arch-villain is Melted Butter Man?
when can there be boobs war 2
you can include invisible woman & spider woman 1 & 2 & etc.!
Wow! 35 years of Batman continuity in 10 easy steps! Congrats Hiatus Week!
I think that you are sitting on a gold mine here. Think about it - signed and numbered cut-a-way comic prints that are more fun than "real" comic books. You've got a couple of young'ens to put through college one day.
This started out as a joke in my head, but now it's strangely making sense. Must be the contact high from the drug lab destruction.
Hi Martha, hi Thomas...
DAMN, if this wasn't EXACTLY as cool as watching one of those old 1939 Republic Serials!
Well F'n DONE!
The part with him getting dosed with LSD and seeing his parents again gets me every time.
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It won't work in actual fact, that's exactly what I suppose.
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