Friday, July 29, 2005

Kobra Week! Proof that Kobra truly is the King of Evil

Threatening Ma and Pa Kent? That's cold - Kobra Kold!

Take note of the kick-ass Kobra logo, complete with snake and globe. The cover also tells us that inside we can expect not one, but two super-stories - one of which is a 17-page novel! Maybe the print is really really small...

Thanks to Scott from The Radioactive Swamp for the dope Kobra image.


  1. Kobra is all well and good but what is the feature that has been demanded as a follow up to the wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Superman? And why does it take 17 pages?

    "Enjoy your honeymoon while you can, man of ssssteel. Sssssoon you will be making love...the Kobra way!!!"*

    *Not to be confused with Kobra-style.

  2. Mmmm... Kobra-style...

  3. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Wha? No issue review. WHY MUST YOU TEASE ME!?


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