Would it have hurt him to have a detonator connected to his heart that would blow up half of Manhattan? No, it would not, and it would have helped him considerably. Ah, Kobra. Laziness always was thine undoing!
What the hell ever happened to Kobra's brother, anyway? Lord Naga-Naga here was a Kirby Kreation, inspired by the Corsican Brothers. Identical Twin #1 was kidnapped and raised by a snake cult to become a world conqueror. Identical Twin #2 grew up to be a regular guy. But...they felt each other's pain (or something like that.)
IT#2 was the hero of the original Kobra series back in the Seventies. Did he get whacked or something? How did Lord Nookie-Nookie not die?
Thisss "Matt" hasss a death wisssh! Dissspatch Black Adder ssstrike force to Matt'sss houssse!
ReplyDeleteIn honor of Kobra week, I will drink three King Cobra 40s a night. Honestly, I was going to do it anyway but now I have an excuse.
ReplyDeleteWould it have hurt him to have a detonator connected to his heart that would blow up half of Manhattan? No, it would not, and it would have helped him considerably. Ah, Kobra. Laziness always was thine undoing!
ReplyDeleteMmmm, guacamole and Ssssun Chipsss...
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell ever happened to Kobra's brother, anyway? Lord Naga-Naga here was a Kirby Kreation, inspired by the Corsican Brothers. Identical Twin #1 was kidnapped and raised by a snake cult to become a world conqueror. Identical Twin #2 grew up to be a regular guy. But...they felt each other's pain (or something like that.)
ReplyDeleteIT#2 was the hero of the original Kobra series back in the Seventies. Did he get whacked or something? How did Lord Nookie-Nookie not die?
Paging fanboy assistance, paging fanboy assistance.
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