Methinks that a "Planet of the Apes" remake with Grodd and The Flash as the main characters would have been much more interesting than that crap Marky Mark was involved with a few years ago...
This might be from a Marvel comic, but Marvel has a long way to go before they close the Monkey Gap with DC. I love the fact that DC has about a half-dozen major super-intelligent talking ape characters, each of which has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ORIGIN! It would be one thing if they were all from Gorilla City, but no...
The fact that one of them has a long-term homosexual relationship with an evil disembodied brain in a jar is just icing on the cake.
Dave! I started reading your blog about 2 weeks ago, and I've gone thru the entire archive.Kudos!I await your next post with as much patience as I can summon.Excelsior!
Methinks that a "Planet of the Apes" remake with Grodd and The Flash as the main characters would have been much more interesting than that crap Marky Mark was involved with a few years ago...
That monkey looks serious. Way more serious than Lancelot Link, Bonzo, or Grape Ape.
It's an Alan Davis/Mark Farmer monkey, BTW from Fantastic Four vol 3 #2, BTW.
Dust Beneath Our Paws is my favorite Kansas song.
Dweeze wins.
Why IS it that everything is better with monkeys?
more apes?
Damn you! Damn you to hell!
Soylent green is people!
Everything's better with Alan Davis drawing it.
A message from the Human Fools:
Give us a proper post! The workplace is a whole lot more dull without your fanboy japes.
If the apes are going to be taking over, how come they're still speaking English?
This might be from a Marvel comic, but Marvel has a long way to go before they close the Monkey Gap with DC. I love the fact that DC has about a half-dozen major super-intelligent talking ape characters, each of which has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ORIGIN! It would be one thing if they were all from Gorilla City, but no...
The fact that one of them has a long-term homosexual relationship with an evil disembodied brain in a jar is just icing on the cake.
"'Dust Beneath Our Paws' is my favorite Kansas song."
Didn't Bette Midler do a cover for a chick flick a decade or so ago?
"Did I ever tell you that you're a foolish human...for you are the dust beneath our paws..."
Dave! I started reading your blog about 2 weeks ago, and I've gone thru the entire archive.Kudos!I await your next post with as much patience as I can summon.Excelsior!
oh quit monkeying around
a thank you
Hey Dave. I was wondering if you've ever done anything on Deathstroke/Deadpool/Taskmaster?
So this evil monkey is in Reed Richard's lab then? This could explain all of Civil War. Monkey mind control!
I think you're more likely to explain Civil War via the old "thousand monkeys, thousand typewriters, thousand years" trope.
Looks like they should put more monkeys on the job...
it's true, you know
That monkey rocks! Kick it, Iceberg!
"all I think about is Z's and G's, imagine that, me workin' at Mickey D's hahaha!"
It's an Alan Davis/Mark Farmer monkey, BTW from Fantastic Four vol 3 #2, BTW.
The guy from Grand Funk Railroad drew FF, too? Far out...
I, for one, welcome our new ape overlords.
If that panel is from Fantastic Four, does that mean that's one of the Red Ghost's Super-Apes, the pimps of Marvel apedom?
As opposed to just some generic super-ape, I mean.
And in the Dan Slott / Ty Templeton Spider-Man / Human Torch: I'm With Stupid miniseries, the Red Ghost's super-apes stole the Spidermobile.
In a just world, this alone would make Dan Slott the most sought-after writer in this, or any other, universe.
SO! sniffle, sniffle. i don't wanna have monkey overlords. lol
SO! sniffle, sniffle. i don't wanna have monkey overlords. lol
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