The really bizarre thing is that I was just looking at the original version of that ad yesterday, on my "40 Years of the Avengers" DVD-ROM. The original is pretty odd on its own.
Naw, dude, he doesn't owe him money. The man just speaks the truth. Kevin Church has mad skillz re-mixing comics. Just the other day, he re-mixed Civil War and made it ship on time! It was fuckin' awesome!
(By the way, if I find out what bus stop you take to Starbucks when you get off from the ferry, can I resort to extortion to get a gift certificate? Just curious.)
The stepson of the mother of one of your employees turned me on to it (What the hell is he doing reading blogs at work? just what kind of outfit are ya runnin?)
I almost spewed my drink reading todays post!
Keep it up.
I posted a link to your Blog, spread the love man.
It's... beautiful...
ReplyDeleteThe really bizarre thing is that I was just looking at the original version of that ad yesterday, on my "40 Years of the Avengers" DVD-ROM. The original is pretty odd on its own.
ReplyDeleteyes, you are a child...a dead goat loving olfactory i the only one who really likes the word 'olfactory'?
ReplyDeletereal note: reminds me of classic MAD subvertisements, kudos to you dave.
Brrrzzrrtttshhhhh! I believe that is the sound of my tea hitting the screen. I really should know better by now. That was just lovely.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada there are laws against making employees smell your finger. Just an FYI.
ReplyDeleteCanada needs to count their blessings that America doesn't spread some freedom up their way.
ReplyDeleteYou said "way", right? Oh, ok.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada, sn't it also illegal to put squirrels in your pants for gambling purposes?
ReplyDeleteDamn, there goes my Escape to Ottawa dream weekend.
ReplyDeleteFor gambling purposes, yes, but for a non-profit charity it's okay.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha ha! you're my new hero!
ReplyDeleteI've added your link to my blog...
Has Giffen seen this?
ReplyDeleteBah! Giffen fears my fumetti skills. I got nothing on Kevin Church though, who is the true master of comic remixing.
ReplyDeleteDo you owe Church money or something, you big suck-up?
ReplyDeleteMom, stop commenting here, please.
ReplyDeleteNaw, dude, he doesn't owe him money. The man just speaks the truth. Kevin Church has mad skillz re-mixing comics. Just the other day, he re-mixed Civil War and made it ship on time! It was fuckin' awesome!
ReplyDelete(By the way, if I find out what bus stop you take to Starbucks when you get off from the ferry, can I resort to extortion to get a gift certificate? Just curious.)
Wow, looks like Millar's 1985 is really coming along!
ReplyDeleteoh the childishness of it all!
nicely done, Dave.
ReplyDeletelove the Blog man.
The stepson of the mother of one of your employees turned me on to it (What the hell is he doing reading blogs at work? just what kind of outfit are ya runnin?)
I almost spewed my drink reading todays post!
Keep it up.
I posted a link to your Blog, spread the love man.
No, Dave, please. Don't take this way.
ReplyDeleteDon't make your mythical comic book blog become a dump of uncool tragicomic absurde sex jokes.
Jay Pinkerton
ReplyDeleteis the king of Fumetti...but you're pretty swell too Dave.
Fumetti is always fun.
ReplyDeleteBut a Colossus: The Forbin Project avatar? That's gold.
借錢 票貼 借錢 借貸 借貸 借錢 當舖 借貸 當舖 當舖 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 票貼 二胎 週轉 融資 借錢 借款 當舖 二胎 票貼 借貸 借錢 借貸 票貼 當舖借錢 借錢救急 支票貼現 借錢方法 借貸法則 借貸救急 汽車借款 借貸sos5880 票貼sos5880 二胎sos5880 融資sos5880 借錢 借貸 票貼 借貸 借錢找星光 借貸找星光 票貼sos5880 借錢 當舖 票貼 借錢 借貸 借款 貼現 貼現
ReplyDelete借錢 票貼 借錢 借貸 借貸 借錢 當舖 借貸 當舖 當舖 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 票貼 二胎 週轉 融資 借錢 借款 當舖 二胎 票貼 借貸 借錢 借貸 票貼 當舖黃頁 借錢黃頁 貼現黃頁 借錢黃頁 借貸黃頁 借貸黃頁 當舖黃頁 貼現黃頁 票貼黃頁 二胎黃頁 融資黃頁 借錢 借貸 票貼 借貸 借錢優質黃頁 借貸優質黃頁 票貼黃頁 借錢 當舖 票貼 借錢 借貸 借款 貼現 貼現 當舖聯盟網 當舖聯盟網 當舖聯盟網 借錢 借貸 當舖 票貼 借貸 借錢 當舖聯盟網 當舖聯盟網 網站分類 網站搜索 網站搜尋 網站黃頁 網站名錄 網址目錄 directory 網站登錄 網站目錄 交換連結 台灣網站指南 網站指南 借錢 借錢 借貸 票貼 票貼