Yeah! I'd go crazy in the computer room if somebody replaced my Green lantern Corps regulation winter tunic and replaced it with a scratchy cardboard replica!
This was the issue where Guy accidentally breaks the ship in half by using his ring to pick it up from the middle. His verbal response was literally unprintable.
Yeah! I'd go crazy in the computer room if somebody replaced my Green lantern Corps regulation winter tunic and replaced it with a scratchy cardboard replica!
ReplyDeleteHey, it's Lego Guy Gardner!
ReplyDeleteAaaawwww...that's my boy. If that's not a pissed-off ten-year old, then I didn't have four kids.
ReplyDeleteAs I recall, this is the issue where he's "helping" Scott work on the alien's ship, and simply won't leave him alone. It was rather sweet really.
As I recall, this is the issue where he's "helping" Scott work on the alien's ship, and simply won't leave him alone. It was rather sweet really.
ReplyDeleteThat talking-head page of Scott and Guy was a high point of the JLI run.
This was the issue where Guy accidentally breaks the ship in half by using his ring to pick it up from the middle. His verbal response was literally unprintable.
ReplyDelete* Expletives...and lots of 'em!
ReplyDeleteBatman: "he really is a whiner"
if reference unknown see, imdb, wiki or google
Thumb Wars
Guy thumb: it will happen!
no verif: the above joke will do
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