Sunday, April 16, 2006

And Lo, There Shall Come A Taxman!

It's Tax Day here in the States, and so I shall not post anything of substance and will focus instead on getting that 1098 form completed. As is the custom here at Dave's Long Box, I leave you instead with a random picture that has nothing to do with comics whatsoever.

Man with huge sausage: discuss.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    It's so powerful an image I'm struck speechless, as if the words are trying to come out but pushed back in my mouth by a huge cyndrilical force.

  2. That's not The Elder God of Yard O' Beef, is it?

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    It looks like he has a really large penis - that he is hugging. But then, that's just my take on it.

  4. Taxes: Not safe for work.

  5. I agree with anonymous.

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    How did you come across this image, exactly?

    Not that I'm looking for any more like it...that's not my reason for asking, I swear. I'd swear on a stack of Action Comics #1. What are you looking at?!

  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Are you sure that doesn't have anything to do with comics? Looks like Phil Jiminez taking a break.

  8. This image comes from a catalog/brochure for an Italian meats company. I don't know why they threw the penis hugger in there, but they did.

  9. The image proves it: Meat Makes You Happy!

  10. Anonymous10:21 AM

    That's his...uh..."meat"?


  11. Mine's bigger than that.

    That's all I gotta say.

  12. Anonymous11:09 AM

    So there aren't any more pictures like it?

  13. No, it is a unique picture in the catalog. The rest of it is pictures of ham and sausages, with descriptions in Italian. You're flipping through the catalog and it's like, "ham, ham, sausage, ham, dude hugging giant phallus, ham."

  14. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Surely then, this guy has to be an employee of the meat company. Otherwise, this is the worst model ever on the worst shoot ever.

  15. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Trick photography: it's a hot dog. That dude is six inches tall. He has to perform Pym-nastycs to satisfy his womans.

  16. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Otherwise, this is the worst model ever on the worst shoot ever.

    Worst? I'd say it's the best.

  17. Worst?

    or wurst?

    . . . Ok I'll get my hat.

  18. Taxes? You mean you didn't do them back in February?


  19. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Hey, Dave, not that there's anything WRONG with that, but I think that Absorbascon and Progresive Ruin have already got that whole angle covered, mmmkay?

  20. Anonymous6:18 PM


  21. Hi David,

    great post as always. I´m a big fan of your blog and have just started my own comicblog ( maybe you remember your reader from Germany. I had " Dude looks like a lady " from Aerosmith stuck in my head for a while week because of your special week of the same name ).

    Maybe you want to take a look at it or even put a link to my blog on your website ( HINT ! HINT ! ). The address is
    Maybe then I get some traffic.

    P.S. I tried to send you an e-mail but my browser somehow refuses to accept my existing Netscape account. Sorry for sending this private mail so publicly.

  22. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Yay for blog spammers!

    I'd just like to comment on how excited and happy that guy is. He's holding his giant slab of sausage, and he's loving every minute of it. This, my friends, is Zen.

  23. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I kinda like that picture in the background. Anybody know the artist?

    J. King

  24. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I mean look at that thing...

    It's like a reversed colored Rorschach blot with a fractal dispersement pattern equivalent to an African DNA polymer...

    uh. oh yeah - that phallic symbol is huge.

    J. King

  25. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Looks like it sweating...

    J. King

  26. It might just be the announcement of X-Men week, but doesn't that guy look like Nightcrawler using the Image Inducer the X-men got from Tony Stark?

    Go ahead. Look at it again, and tell me that isn't Kurt Wagner in disguise.

    You've seen can't unsee it now.

  27. To quote Atia from HBO's Rome, "Large penis is always welcome."

    My question is, how do we know that guy is holding his own "sausage?" Maybe this pic was cropped down from a publicity photo of Brad Garrett.

  28. Anonymous3:56 PM

    That guy totally looks like the evil twin of the protagonist from Kyle Baker's "I die at midnight". And I can tell he's evil 'cause he's got that evil twin goatee.

  29. Quite useful info, thank you for the article.


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