I echo the motion for this to become a regular feature. Not having read an issue of SuperPro, does he have many of these?
You could do something like this with the Punisher, with lots of tips on firearm maintenance and how to kill large groups of criminals in an efficient manner.
I'm just geeky enough that my first thought was "what's SuperPro doing with Cain Marko?"
Christ Dave, what the hell are you smoking? Two days in a row with NFL Superpro!?!?
What's next, a week devoted to the WCW comic Marvel published?
I so want this to become regular feature.
'Nuff said!
I don't see what's so strange about that tip...
It is actually good advice.
Say what you like, this is some of Jack Kirby's best writing, ever.
Explosive shells are
good for scaring and intim-
idating people..
I echo the motion for this to become a regular feature. Not having read an issue of SuperPro, does he have many of these?
You could do something like this with the Punisher, with lots of tips on firearm maintenance and how to kill large groups of criminals in an efficient manner.
Seeing how I routinely carry explosive shells around, it's good to have a potential use for them. Thanks, SuperPro!
Seashells or taco shells?
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