Oh, man! Candy Kane beat me to the punch for boobwar.blogspot! Curse you Kane!!! ;)
well damn, actually I beat him to the punch, but anyway...I thought long and hard about taking one of them, but then thought better of it. I'd probably just end up posting about porn comics and hentai on it instead. Wait--hentai are porn comics right?
So... colostomy bag?
ReplyDeleteI lost my virginity to one of the Elf Quest orgy scenes. (Please don't tell anyone.)
ReplyDeleteI say thee bring it on!
If Captain America's man-boobs show up, you're paying for my therapy...
ReplyDeletedoes it really have to end? Why not make it a "boob war month?" Or better yet--"BOOB WAR YEAR!!!"
ReplyDeleteYou're thinking small, Jon. And that's something you should never do when talking about Boob War.
ReplyDeleteBoob War Month? Boob War Year? I say thee nay! Boob War Blog: all boobs, all the time!
Bringeth it on!
Best post ever ... Boob War ... it can mean only one thing:
ReplyDeleteThe Top Cow Lara Croft "comics"?
Okay, I'll quit while your ahead.
ReplyDeleteAlas, I haven't had a chance to get to Tomb Raider. Or Tarot. Or Femforce. Or Witchblade. My God, this could be a whole new blog, couldn't it?
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a hint about The Best Post Ever, though - Power Girl.
Wait! Shit, that's not a hint!
Best Post Ever? Those are some strong claims, Dave me laddio. You'd best be able to back them up.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet you mention Power Girl, which is a hint that your claims may actually hold some water. We shall see...
(It's not Adam Hughes' cover to JSA Classified is it? That was boobtastically Airwolf!)
Boob War is just another word for Power Girl as far as I am concerned.
ReplyDeleteBoob War Month? Boob War Year? I say thee nay! Boob War Blog: all boobs, all the time!
ReplyDeleteOh my--what was I thinking?!?
I see that these are free:
ReplyDeleteNO DAVE! The internet isn't ready! It's still recovering from being broken in half!
Oh, man! Candy Kane beat me to the punch for boobwar.blogspot! Curse you Kane!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteCandy Kane, that is extra-sweet of you, as befits your name. Thanks pal!
ReplyDeleteOh, man! Candy Kane beat me to the punch for boobwar.blogspot! Curse you Kane!!! ;)
ReplyDeletewell damn, actually I beat him to the punch, but anyway...I thought long and hard about taking one of them, but then thought better of it. I'd probably just end up posting about porn comics and hentai on it instead. Wait--hentai are porn comics right?
I can't wait! Sounds so interesting!! Big Huge Tits
ReplyDelete借錢 借貸 借貸 借錢 當舖 當舖 當舖 借錢 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 票貼 二胎 二胎房貸 借貸 週轉 融資 借貸 借錢 借貸 票貼 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 當舖找星光 當舖找星光 票貼找星光 票貼找星光 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 融資sos995 票貼 借錢 借貸 票貼 借貸指南 借貸指南 當舖 票貼 借錢 借貸 借款 貼現 貼現 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 借錢 票貼 借貸 當舖 票貼 借貸 借錢 借貸指南 借貸指南 借貸指南 借錢 借貸 借貸 票貼 借款 借貸 借錢 借貸 借錢 票貼 票貼 借貸指南 借貸指南 借貸找星光 借貸找星光 借錢找星光 借錢找星光 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 票貼急救網 借貸指南 網站搜尋 網站名錄 網址目錄 directory 網站登錄 網站目錄 網站指南