Sunday, September 04, 2005
BOOB WAR WEEK CONTINUES! The Four Points of Contact Principle
Aaand we're back.
One of the things I've noticed as a collector and connoisseur of Boob War comics is what I call The Four Points of Contact Principle. In essence, the principle states that if a hot Boob War chick standing is sexy, a hot Boob War chick who is on her hands and knees is even sexier. The more points of contact with the ground, the sexier.
Nothing says, "Hey kids! Boob War!" like a half-naked woman crouching down on your cover. The Four Points of Contact Principle is versatile enough that it can cover many different scenarios. For instance, the heroine and her breasts can be getting zapped by mystic power like Mantra (below), or she can be swooning at the feet of her butch opponent like Wonder Woman (below), or just striking a vixeny pose under a gauzy Star Trek filter like Shanna the She-Devil (also below.)
Okay, okay, Shanna really only has three points of contact, but she has a knife, which boost her right back up there on the Boob War Meter.
There are many variations on the Four Points of Contact Principle, which usually involve lounging seductively like the woman from Codename: Knockout whose name escapes me, or by crawling on one's belly like a reptile like Vampirella in chains (below).
Regardless of the form, the principle remains the same: Four Points of Contact makes for some quality Boob War.
Really, for a lot of these women it's more like six points of contact - see Vampi, for instance.
ReplyDeleteyeah tropey, i was gonna suggest four points (or a couple more) of contact.
ReplyDelete"The Four Points of Contact Principle"
of course. Makes for better wank material.
ReplyDeleteDear god Dave, how many Boob War comics do you actually own? Dave's Long Box Of Ill Repute And Loose Morals, more like...
ReplyDeleteHey Dave! I'm really enjoying the Boob Wars so far. In fact, I plugged you over at my blog. If you get a moment stop in by and check it out. :)
ReplyDeleteCheck out this awesome related post on Progressive Ruin:
It would be difficult to war if the four points of contact were maintained at all times, though.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm picturing Wonder Woman and Evangeline fighting by crawling around on the floor and headbutting each other into oblivion.
i don't know matthew, there's always wrasslin'
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ReplyDeleteThis won't truly have success, I think this way.