Have a "safe and sane" long Independence Day weekend to all my American readers - let's not blow the heads off any dogs this year, m'kay?
And a belated happy Canada Day to all you hosers above the 48th parallel. Oh, and I understand there's a bank holiday in Northern Ireland on the 12th, so enjoy that as well, all you Irish bankers.
What's sad is that I've heard that record.
ReplyDeleteIt's utter tripe. You don't want to be connected to it. Dave The Damaja could work, though.
Damaja - I like that better than Dave the Destroyah.
ReplyDeleteWhat the..? Didn't Spider-Man fight this guy in a Spectaular Spider-Man Annual? Or is this Vibe, before he hit it big and bit the dust with the JLA?
ReplyDeleteI like the way the ZAP! is right on his crotch. Subtle.
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ReplyDeleteQuite helpful information, thanks for your article.